Forums analysis is so stupid even amateurs would laugh at it

korotky_trinity wrote:
IMBacon wrote:

A few more reasons continues to spiral down the drain.  How much time, money, energy, and resources was wasted on all this "brilliant" move crap? 

None of these labels does anything to improve your play.  All it is, is an ego boost, and causes hundreds of posts asking the same question over and over: "Why wasnt my move brilliant?"  Again, nothing that improves your play.

Is is your photo on avatar ? Wow... )


When my instructor and me analyze our game that we play, there’s always a time where he’d say: “Oh, wow this is so wrong!” while looking at the suggestions that the analysis gave him. I’m not sure- but sometimes the analysis is wrong.
It’s actually good and well!😏😏😏
Well, not actually your coach I mean

Just grab Stockfish for free and run your own analysis. No need to use this site's analysis features.


I just start play chess for a 2week now i think i dont that problem yet or becouse am still new to the game.i hope i will see what you see

blackjoker2020 wrote:

I just start play chess for a 2week now i think i dont that problem yet or becouse am still new to the game.i hope i will see what you see

Welcome to the game!

Yurinclez2 wrote:

Proofs that analysis is stupid:

1. Marking many weak or ordinary moves as brilliant moves

2. Giving many players' games with many mistakes high accuracies

3. Considering best moves better than excellent moves while in fact not all best moves are
excellent because forced mate moves are also considered best moves, but not excellent

4. Marking bad openings as book moves, including the joke opening and silly suicidal gambits

5. Bots' ratings are overestimated. Maximum who is 3200 rated is still equal to top Grandmasters' strength. just give any top GM 2 hours to think and a comfy place to sit and play, and don't be noisy and don't ask him for a chat. in his good day, he would play equally strong, if not better.

The list goes on...

in addition, algorithm is also stupid. so are the people who are overly too far to trust's standard of prejudge. i hate them all.

The analysis are quick analysis. If you give the engine time to think, it will come up with a better move/variation which you can do a 3-5 minute analysis if you have premium. Lichess does the quick analysis too but will be more reserved when it comes to calling out your mistakes. But it will allow free unlimited analysis which would allow it to look into the position more deeply

MelvinGarvey wrote:

Sure I've seen cc's engine fail often.

Still, the use of the word "proof" is an abuse (or a mistake).

I mean, c'mon, did pipl become so stupid and lazy they don't know anymore the difference between a proof you can transmit and a stuff you know and experienced but can't actually show any evidence of it?

OP's claim is about the same than:

"The proof that the Eiffel Tower is in Paris, is that the Eiffel Tower is in Paris."

Wellyeah, fosho the said tower is in Paris, but this is no way to prove it.

Well, Eiffel Tower is located at
48° 51′29.6″N 
2°17′ 40.2″E
(data from Wikipedia)

and these coordinates are for  Paris.tongue.png

But lets consider the origial quation fror this topic. analysis is so stupid even amateurs would laugh at it.

My opinion is:
Chess analyses is a feature under development.




The engine by default doesn't have a decent depth, which might be the problem.

It also considers theoretical mistakes as book moves or good moves, which is also something very dangerous for beginners and should be fixed.

If we are talking about accuracy, is well known that is a meaningless data, it is now and it was before, regardless how good the engine in the analysis is. Despite what many people think, never considers accuracy a relevant proof to catch cheaters (and rightfully so). 


I just think they should allow you to adjust the depth and time per move.


Hey, people, I'm beginning in universe of xadrez, and you?



using the free edition analysis of a game does not really help much and is very short sighted like „you missed a chance to win a pawn“ without considering what your move intended.

Watch this game lmao a game when taking the queen is inaccurate, playing for check, threatening 3 moves ahead is a miss and getting better position. Although I didn't take his queen cause I was stupid but if you check the analysis and take his queen with my knight on move 15 Ne5, it's an inaccurate move. At that same move, it says miss for black's knight when the best move for the white's king if it went right would let me take his queen. Though even when he moved left, I would've still been able to threaten his rook and it still says miss. If he took the rook, I get a better position. All those labels seem to put randomly. Maybe the analysis doesn't go that far. Maybe 700 elo gameplay is too much lol jk. Sucks I didn't take the queen on move 15 lmao, and if I did it's inaccurate which is funny.

Those analysis notes are pre-set, that's why they're not much helpful at times. That's why human analysis combined with engine evaluation is much better.


Someone is needlessly angry...grandma needs to make him a home-made chocolate-chip cookie.

12345guru wrote:

he says that all analysis are correct with perfect with good explanations .

I don't think every engine move is best because in the game I just had, the engine first on 15th move gives up black's queen for white's pawn and then engine just misses it and gets just a bishop for a pawn

chriiisclm26 wrote:
Watch this game lmao a game when taking the queen is inaccurate, playing for check, threatening 3 moves ahead is a miss and getting better position. Although I didn't take his queen cause I was stupid but if you check the analysis and take his queen with my knight on move 15 Ne5, it's an inaccurate move. At that same move, it says miss for black's knight when the best move for the white's king if it went right would let me take his queen. Though even when he moved left, I would've still been able to threaten his rook and it still says miss. If he took the rook, I get a better position. All those labels seem to put randomly. Maybe the analysis doesn't go that far. Maybe 700 elo gameplay is too much lol jk. Sucks I didn't take the queen on move 15 lmao, and if I did it's inaccurate which is funny.

You're not analysing the position correctly