Difficulty Finding a style of Italian game u want to play
If you want to practice against a bot then the Chidobe-Awuzie bot (found under Athletes) plays various lines of the Italian game.
4-500 rating? It is irrelevant all the opening theory you are focusing on. At this point you just have to understand how the game works (not reffering to how pieces move) but the opening principles, tactics and middle game ideas and plans and crucially, the basic endings. How to checkmate with king and pawn vs king, or how to instantly check mate with queen and king vs king, not making a stalemate etc. Doing lots of tactics and looking up on how good players are playing, on youtube for instance. I am 1600 and i have no idea what italian variations you are writting above, but even if you know them, it is irrelevant as you lack knowledge of the game after openings ends (5-7 moves)
Don't waste your time on nitpicking every variations. Learn the basic principles of the endgame, middlegame, pawn structures, time management etc. Getting stronger at chess in general will help you break through your rating plateau. Only worry about opening theory when you've reached at least 1300+.