
How did I lose?


I am playing as white and I don't understand how I lost this game? Black won by timeout. I thought if the time runs out it's whoever scored more points/won more pieces wins? I was taking his pieces easily, I don't understand

that is not at all correct
If you run out of time you lose and the person you play against wins

I don’t understand people in this place. You are nearly 500 elo. It’s not like you have played only 3 games, yet you don’t understand how timeout works?? My god

notbossy wrote:
If you run out of time you lose and the person you play against wins

Not always. Someone who runs out of time can get a draw from insufficient material, but yea, they can’t win. Draw or loss.


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haveyouseencyan wrote:

I don’t understand people in this place. You are nearly 500 elo. It’s not like you have played only 3 games, yet you don’t understand how timeout works?? My god

Yes, I don't understand it. I've been playing chess maybe 2 weeks, I don't know/care about elo or whatever, I just did some of the beginner lessons and play a few games every day. I'm not sure about all the rules, that's why I posted here in the beginners forum. Maybe someone can explain in plain English how I can lose a game of chess when I took many more of my opponents pieces?

Meekayashi wrote:
haveyouseencyan wrote:

I don’t understand people in this place. You are nearly 500 elo. It’s not like you have played only 3 games, yet you don’t understand how timeout works?? My god

Yes, I don't understand it. I've been playing chess maybe 2 weeks, I don't know/care about elo or whatever, I just did some of the beginner lessons and play a few games every day. I'm not sure about all the rules, that's why I posted here in the beginners forum. Maybe someone can explain in plain English how I can lose a game of chess when I took many more of my opponents pieces?

If your time is up, you lose the game (unless the opponent doesn't have enough mating material - in that case it is a draw).

In case you don't know, and in my experience some novice players do not know this, you and your opponent have separate timers. So for example, let's say you are playing 10|0 game. You have your own 10 minutes, and the opponent has his own 10 minutes.

When you are on the move, your timer starts going down. When you make a move, it stops, until it is your turn again. So, if one of you times out, that person loses the game regardless of who had the better position on the board (unless the other person doesn't have the material to mate the opponent, in which case it is a draw).

I hope this will clear things up.


Plainly, running out of time is another way of losing. You only have a certain amount of time before you lose, and if you use it up that's it. Getting a material advantage is a good idea, but it's not the same as winning. In a similar way, a material advantage counts for little if your opponent checkmates you anyway.


I see, I was focused too much on just attacking the pieces. It feels strange that you can lose in this way, but that's the game I guess. It does add another layer to the strategy that I never considered. Thanks for the responses