
How to beat Nelson bot


Hi!  My name is Lauren Goodkind and I'm a chess coach and chess book author based in California.  I noticed that some people in this forum have a difficult time beating's Nelson bot (perhaps he likes to bring out his queen out early) so I decided to make a video about how to beat him.  I hope that this helps:


Thanks for the video very useful  


Thank you 


Super Helpful 





Thanks. Also a way to beat Nelson(or to be ahead) is to exchange queens. He will not do it for a couple of moves, but after a rampage of your board, he eventually trades




You're welcome, everybody!  


I've played Nelson about 10 times today. He's only beaten me in 3 games, the others have either been draws or I've won. 

It really is a battle of attrition but I feel I've turned a corner today. I think for any beginner and improver being able to consistently beat Nelson is a good thing. Once you've spoiled his opening he runs out of tricks and starts to blunder. 

By move 10 he hasn't made any real development. Just moved his queen around a couple of times with the odd bishop thrown in for good measure. 


Thank you!


If you are a fairly strong player, the trick to Nelson (and humans who play like Nelson--there are a lot of them!) is not to get lured into trying to refute the opening gambits and traps right away.  Just be patient, develop your pieces, safeguard your King, and look for a good time to take the initiative.  (Once you get the initiative he falls apart; he doesn't defend well at all.)

As a stronger player who has lost her share of games to Elephant Gambits and similar trappy lines, I have learned this the hard way.  You don't need to refute these.  If they are fundamentally unsound, playing soundly should get you through.


Good advice!   


Hello, Nelson is fairly easy to beat, if you can get his queen in a spot where it cannot escape, then its a free win because he doesnt know how to defend well, all he does is move his queen and his bishop a few times. The trick is to develop your peices and get your king away from his queen so you can easily get the center and by the time nelson finishes with his queen, you have finished development and ready for endgame/midgame. 

Hope this helps!


Oh Nelson... if only human players of a similar rating would blunder as he did. grin.png



Finally I beat him! I must've played at least 50 timesgrin.png Here's what I did I traded our queens then I focused on taking on his pawns and other major pieces and it worked! at last I got my pawn promoted as queen and his king was left so I pushed him to the edge and did what I learned from a tutorial on on how to win game if only king is left. My advice is to keep playing him and understand how he play then finally you'll be able to crack him piece by piece




Thanks :)


I always believed that new players had trouble beating the bot while playing black.



ive played this guy like 20 times 19 times he wins once i won

Sven and emir are ez but this nelson (and antonio too) are just like impossible.




Another good way to take advantage of Nelson's play is to trade queens as soon as possible. Getting rid of the queen which he often spends the majority of his moves using would give you a massive lead in development (plus he sucks without the queen). On top of that, 90% of the time he will accept a queen trade cause lower rated bots are too trade-happy.