
Improve in bullet

The only way to improve in bullet is you have to play fast and premove is the only thing that can save you from timeout
AgnirudraBarmangmailcom wrote:
The only way to improve in bullet is you have to play fast and premove is the only thing that can save you from timeout

Simple. Dont play bullet unless you are 1600+ elo


Undo enemy's time

Start playing 10 min games, and try playing quicker than your opponent so you have more time (not a strategy to win 10 min games, but it will help with bullet) play faster and faster games until moving within 3 seconds is second nature. Also, do puzzles and try to do them quickly, as this will help with seeing good moves quickly.
monke_ah_dude wrote:
AgnirudraBarmangmailcom wrote:
The only way to improve in bullet is you have to play fast and premove is the only thing that can save you from timeout

Simple. Dont play bullet unless you are 1600+ elo

That's ironic, advice coming from <1000 player?