
newbie rant - en passant


who tf came up with the "en passant"? I have really been enjoying chess (but am still very new to it) until BAM, this ridiculous move that makes zero sense comes from nowhere. where is the logic behind this move?? honestly, the pure stupidy of the move has me so frustrated I am about to give up. I just dont see the sense in this move. it seems like something someone pulled out of their ass to save themselves from looking stupid.

thequeenkbee wrote:
who tf came up with the "en passant" move? I have really been enjoying chess (but am still very new to it) until BAM, this ridiculous move that makes zero sense comes from nowhere. where is the logic behind this move?? honestly, the pure stupidy of the move has me so frustrated I am about to give up. I just dont see the sense in this move. it seems like something someone pulled out of their  to save themselves from looking stupid.

Hmm. The rule has only been around since the time when pawns were allowed to move two squares instead of just one.

They do have the ancient game of chaturanga available if you want to go back to the rules before modern chess came along.


The reasoning is that when you pass your 4th rank and your opponent moves 2 squares with their pawn you don't have a chance to capture. Since pawns can usually capture diagonally, en passant was made to keep this choice. I will see if I can come up with an example to better justify it, but for now let's start with the basics.





...dont get me started on castling...and who let the horses go round corners?


It's since the pawn's only originally were able to only move 1 square 

then 500 yrs ago they decide speed the game up be allowing the double pawn move

which allowed the passing of the capture ("en-passant" or in passing) so to restore the capture the rule in en-passant 


Actually, I would like to expand on the idea of en passant, maybe make it a new variant. Anytime a piece could have captured, it can.




I can probably count less than 10 games since I started playing (in like 1980 or so) where EP capture mattered.  Maybe 25 where it happened but had no real effect.  Its a rare move, which makes it a little more tricky because its easy to forget about it.   

MarkGrubb wrote:

...dont get me started on castling...and who let the horses go round corners?

I wish there were a "like" button for comments like this!

sholomsimon wrote:
MarkGrubb wrote:

...dont get me started on castling...and who let the horses go round corners?

I wish there were a "like" button for comments like this!

I wish there were a "like" button for both of these comments!

uubuuh wrote:
sholomsimon wrote:
MarkGrubb wrote:

...dont get me started on castling...and who let the horses go round corners?

I wish there were a "like" button for comments like this!

I wish there were a "like" button for both of these comments!

And I’d like to “like” all three of the “likes”!


And what’s all this crap about a pawn becoming a queen?! Who’s brilliant friggin’ idea was this nonsense?!


Your first comment should have been something like 'bruh'.


Beginners need to know about en passant.  Most beginners don't know about this move.  

laurengoodkindchess wrote:

Beginners need to know about en passant.  Most beginners don't know about this move.  


Just happened to me and its hard not to get massively tilted about such a ridiculously designed  and bizarre rule. Guess I know for next time.


First paragraph of #2 points at the primary reason for that rule.

discomute wrote:
laurengoodkindchess wrote:

Beginners need to know about en passant.  Most beginners don't know about this move.  


Just happened to me and its hard not to get massively tilted about such a ridiculously designed  and bizarre rule. Guess I know for next time.

As explained above, it is not bizarre at all but simply allowed the introduction of the double step of a Pawn without hurting the strategic complexity of the game too much.

Dude for a game it’s illogical in of itself once you do the research. Who cares play or don’t play it’s just a game

Precisely because it's a game, rules making sense is important. I know a person who refuses to admit that you can promote to a queen when you still have one, you should only be able to ask for captured pieces. When I asked him what do you do when you promote before any of your pieces has been captured, I got a blank stare, but he still sticks to his guns.

AnOrangutan wrote:




Do you play orangutan? 


Because France