
OTB Tournaments and Schedules


I'm considering traveling to participate in an over the board (OTB) multi-day tournament.  As I research tournaments, I am confused about how games are scheduled.

Specifically, big tournaments usually offer options for the number of days a player can register to attend.  I've seen options from seven to two days.  Apparently, if a player opts for fewer days then that player will be playing (more) multiple game days.  A player who opts for more days will be playing fewer games per day.  And, then, toward the end of the tournament, all of the different multi-day schedules fold into one common schedule.

Here's my confusion.  I don't want to register for the greater number of days, playing fewer games per day, until I can figure out how exactly how many games I will be playing each day and exactly when the games are schedule.  Frankly, I frequently can't decipher how to answer my question -- the tournament schedule gets muddled with quads and side events and three and four and five day references -- and simultaneous tournaments (women's and scholastic and such).

Any advice on how to read a schedule so I know what days and when during each day for each type of daily schedule?


Lets use this example.  There is a 3 day tournament with 6 rounds.  You could have 3 options:

Play in the 3 day event which would be 2 rounds each day.

Play in the 2 day event which would be 4 rounds on day 1, and then 2 rounds on day 2.  The first 4 rounds will be a faster time control, and then day 2 both sections will merge at the beginning of round 4, and all players will play the standard longer time control. 

Hope this helps.


Here is the schedule for next months Larry Evans Memorial.



Thank you.  The schedule you presented is decipherable.  There is even an orientation for first time player; that's the first I've seen. I have seen some schedules that are in no way as clear.

I assume, however, at some point between registration and my first game there will be something posted that will tell me when and where I will play.  Correct?

SagebrushSea wrote:

Thank you.  The schedule you presented is decipherable.  I have seen some that are in no way that clear.

I assume, however, at some point between registration and my first game there will be something posted that will tell me when and where I will play.  Correct?
