


I hover between 700 - 800 rating on Used to be stagnated at 600. So I tried doing the puzzles. They quickly became easy for me then a little hard and now easy again. I have worked over 3000 puzzles. People on here say do (tactics tactics tactics). However, I'm starting to see it's stupid advice. Getting good at tactics will NOT make you a better chess player. It only slightly improves board vision. Most of the tactics do not show up in game. It's pointless if you don't understand how to get into a position to allow tactics. I'm terrible at chess. Even if I reached a 3000 rating which I think I could accomplish, it will not translate to winning. Based on my experience puzzle rating also has 0% relevancy to your chess rating or ability. Anyone who tells you otherwise are just lazy coaches who don't actually teach or people who have no clue what they're talking about. This is just some advice for other beginners like me so they don't waste time unless they actually enjoy solving tactics. It's just a novelty when it comes to chess. I do they for fun now myself just to see how high I can get it just for laughs. Because it's a joke. I have even solved tactics out of books. They are to easy and teaches you nothing.


Hi there.

Ratings in puzzles and ratings on a given time control don't correlate as puzzles only relate to a very specific moment of the game.

I am rated over 2400 online ( I created a free course that will teach you a training plan to improve. Feel free to check it out:


Your concern: "It's pointless if you don't understand how to get into a position to allow tactics."

I think it may be your opening choice with white (london system). Try a more tactical opening in e4 (scotch gambit, italian etc) and with black you seem fine in the opening department. try playing slower and calculating the lines when there are many captures and you should decrease blunders happy.png. Good luck! quick note - play 10 min games. above that many cheaters are found in the pool.

When I was around your rating level, doing a few puzzles a week was effective enough. The key was to watch a lot of videos and think about the moves. The board vision built on its own. If you are playing many games every day, take a week or two break from playing. Only watch, and you should be able to break 800. (This is my personal experience, may not work for everyone).


Tactics are actually pretty important, I have been able to reach 1500 rapid rating with only 2300 puzzle rating. It's just your opening and time management I feel. You're almost there


I believe that doing puzzles may help you to improve slightly, but I'd agree that it won't instantly add hundreds to your rating. It is however a much better use of your time than playing fast chess if you don't have the time or inclination to play a proper game.

AdhvaithAjay wrote:

Your concern: "It's pointless if you don't understand how to get into a position to allow tactics."

I think it may be your opening choice with white (london system). Try a more tactical opening in e4 (scotch gambit, italian etc) and with black you seem fine in the opening department. try playing slower and calculating the lines when there are many captures and you should decrease blunders . Good luck! quick note - play 10 min games. above that many cheaters are found in the pool.

When I was around your rating level, doing a few puzzles a week was effective enough. The key was to watch a lot of videos and think about the moves. The board vision built on its own. If you are playing many games every day, take a week or two break from playing. Only watch, and you should be able to break 800. (This is my personal experience, may not work for everyone).

I have tried the scotch and other gambits. Problem is people in my rating don't respond with any of the main lines. They also very rarely accept them. So I get walked all over simply because I don't understand anything about the opening other than memorizing the lines.

AdhvaithAjay wrote:

Tactics are actually pretty important, I have been able to reach 1500 rapid rating with only 2300 puzzle rating. It's just your opening and time management I feel. You're almost there

Idk, I'm fairly confident I can reach at minimum a 2500 puzzle rating. I'm already climbing to 2100. I see tactics when they exist. The issue is no tactics exist and then my opponents put a lot of pressure on me not allowing me to finish my development.


Puzzles help me to warm up before I want to play. Like I solve 2-3 of my puzzles, and then I play. Otherwise, if I didn't solve any puzzle before I play, I don't feel confident enough about my moves, and I feel like I am playing like a beginner


So I think they are helpful, personally to me they are