
stuck in 4-500 elo

hi im stuck in high 400 low 500 elo whenever i get like 550 i drop back down how do i get better cuz i can beat the 800 elo bots so idk

здарова епта. ну я играю на 300 эло и половина игр ничья. думаю тебе надо ничье делать.


Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond


Oh you know, the bots' ratings don't mean much to an extent. But you need to master openings, choose 2-3 openings you'll be able to use and respond to. Also, you need strategies. Watch videos that explain you how to develop your pieces, and when to exchange them, or where to move them to a better square. You also need to learn how to read the board. All this takes forever, but by playing you somehow manage to progress. It takes time, don't rush


Hi there,

I am rated over 2400 online ( I created a free course that will teach you a training plan to improve. Feel free to check it out:


Learn and apply the most important principles of chess. - (core of my teaching)
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.


Why am I able to beat 1100 elo bots but I am 419 elo

Cold-Paudzer wrote:

Why am I able to beat 1100 elo bots but I am 419 elo

that's because 1100 elo bots arent actually 1100 elo bots, I just realized.


That,s dissapointing.

Cold-Paudzer wrote:

That,s dissapointing.

just look into the game review of a bot and you'll realize. it is disappointing. very.


So true but then again Sven is decent