@122anson123 the wrongcloud is a brilliant move. The grob, barnes, bongcloud and duras gambit are all brilliant moves. The only opening that is a blunder is the London System. It is the worst and most despicable opening in the entirety of chess!
caro kann, queen gambit are bad
Caro-Kann is goated but queen's gambit is just a way to make a chess game boring.
Damiano Defence idk if I spell that defence wrong
irish gambit (e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6, Nxe5)
@122anson123 the wrongcloud is a brilliant move. The grob, barnes, bongcloud and duras gambit are all brilliant moves. The only opening that is a blunder is the London System. It is the worst and most despicable opening in the entirety of chess!