This last week I have been ill, and I had a nasty drop in Blitz rating from 1850 way down to 1630.
A lot of the 1600-1700 players I played were putting up 95% accuracy, even over 20 moves, I was sure they were cheating! I do wonder if some players sit there with the grandmaster opening explorer ready, or maybe there are so bots out there. I had about 15 out of 20 opponents at the 1600-1700 level beating me, and when I looked at the analysis I had done very little wrong, and my estimated rating was 1900 and they were 2000 or higher!
I was getting angry and wondering if I was being punished, but then later in the day I got a lot of weak opponents who played 1300-1400 quality and my rating shot up again!
Maybe it is luck? Certain times, you just get people in bad form. Other times you get players who have your number.
Maybe I am just playiing better at certain times and that makes players seem easier?
And maybe when I play bad, and make just one mistake, it allows opponents to play well and get the 90% accuracy. It is weird, especially on Blitz.
I feel like the 1600s are more tryhards so you don't really expect it and play worse than you should
It's the 1700-1800 blitz death spiral intermediates get into
Yeah, I think you are right..
I have played a HUGE number of games on here-- 10s of thousands. It is very hard to get above 1800 on Blitz unless you have a certain kind of talent. Players REALLY do know their openings, the tactics, and how win an endgame.
On Rapid, I reached 2100 playing much the same quality of chess. I guess I think longer and harder because there is more time available-- perhaps that makes all the difference? But I do honestly think Blitz is 200-300 points harder. Try a new opening against a 1900 on Rapid and you will have the same success against a 1600-1700 player on Blitz.
Coming back to this in September 2024... It's getting stupid. The only time I consistently win is with 85+ accuracy and estimated rating of 1500+. This is against 900's btw. I always have to play at my very best to gain rating points, either due to some weird distribution where all us 900's are underrated, and are antagonizing each other, or there's just a bunch of cheaters.
The rating estimator overvalues 900 playing strength a good chunk of the time you should ignore it
1. Where are you getting this information
2. The accuracy (Maybe the positions are simpler/dryer)
3. I've beaten actual 1400s+ in tournaments if that's a better estimation
It just feels like there's a large pool of underrated 800-1000s keeping each other's rating low. Also, you're 2100 and some of your games are rated 500 points above that, so maybe it's true of all levels.
Cause I was 1600 before that's just my experience with it they seem like they play perfect trust me they are just as annoyed at the amount of blunders they make as you are 1600-1800s are sort of like 800s on steroids