
Why is this a mistake?


The game review says that grabbing a pawn with a trapped night is a mistake (trapped as part of an even material exchange) -  I should have just developed the bishop instead.  So are there any guidelines as to when to take material and when to develop? (in the game I played Bf4 after black had played Kxf7 - at this point, one move later, Bf4 was also noted as a mistake).  Thanks.


Maybe it preferred Bg5, which defended the knight and developed your bishop? There would be no easy way to remove the knight unless black wanted to trade a rook for knight and bishop.

Edit: disregard this comment. I had forgotten there’s a pawn on f7.


Not easy to see (I am sure I would have played Nxf7 too).

However the logic is clear as soon as you realize that:

17. Nxf7 helps black to develop their h-rook

17. Bf4 develops not only your bishop, but you also prepare development of your a-rook. And you attack the c7 pawn (and with it blacks center). On top of it you keep blacks h-rook undeveloped (and it will not easy to get it out as long as you dominate the e-file, Rae1 is in the air).

In addition to AtaChess68’s explanation of Bf4 taking on c7 in response to rook capturing the knight creates an isolated pawn on d7 which creates a weakness in pawn structure. So you still get a pawn in return for the knight, but you get more compensation with Bf4 then with Nxf7. Playing Bf4 a move later black is able to prevent Bxc7.

Hope this helps.

This is a good problem for less experienced players, because the solution involves more than just counting material. 1.Nxf7 gets a piece for the trapped knight, but 1.Bf4 Rxr8 2.Rae1 completes White's development and allows him to double rooks and get complete control of the e-file


you will lose the knight no matter what, so stockfish says that developing a piece and bettering your position is worth more than a pawn, especially as it wastes your opponent's move capturing the knight (then you can develop more and get better position than them even if you're even on material)


good question!


Another good question: what is the point of posting a useless screenshot? Posting the game's link would have been both easier and more helpful.


Many thanks for all your input. @magipi - I apologise, the game is here: