1000 signs you're not a very good chess player
9298: You think you are only allowed to play Halloween gambit on Halloween
9299: You think you are only allowed to play the Petrov if you're Russian
9300: Your opponent resigns but you don't understand that you actually won a game and think it's a draw offer instead; then you say "reject draw" and then resign yourself
9,301: You think the Queen is the best piece because it can move in all directions and not protect the King
9,302: (If you are black) You copy the opponent's move even though you are in check
9,303: (If you are white) Your first move is 1. a4
9,304: You complain the game ended in a draw, not realising it is something called "Stalemate"
9,305: You always promote pieces into a queen without even thinking for 0.001 millisecond
9,306: You lose on time after thinking so long on what opening to play
9,307: When you are at a tournament, you arrange the white pieces on 7 and 8 rank and the black pieces on 1 and 2 rank
9,308: You ragequit, not realising there is the honourable "RESIGN" button
9,309: You keep moving the queen in the opening and lose it
9,310: You castle while going though a tile under check
9,311: You lose by the Scholar's Mate or the Fool's Mate multiple times in a row
9,312: When playing Bughouse, you don't understand how the opponent summons pieces
9,313: You have a 1,000 lose streak
9,314: Your puzzle rush score is 0 and it was because you got 3 questions wrong in a row
9,315: You can't tell the difference between a rank and a file
9,316: You set up the queen and the king the wrong way around
9,317: You sign a Non-Aggression Pact openly in 4 Players Chess, and don't know why you are banned at Chess.com
9,318: You try to have nine queens in one board and draw by stalemate
9,319: You ask the opponent for a takeback even though you made a Brilliant move
9,320: You don't know that pawns can move two tiles on their first move
9,321: You think pawns can always move two tiles
9,322: You think pawns capture by going forward and not diagonally
9,323: You think Chess is Pay to Win
9,324: You don't know draws exist in Chess
9,325: You can't tell the difference between Chess and Xiangchi
9,326: You call a rook a castle, and think the official name is castle
9,327: You don't know what is FIDE
9,328: You don't know that knights can go over pieces, and do the same for pawns that go two squares as the first move
9,329: You can't beat Martin, the easiest Chess.com bot to beat
9,330: You think you have to capture the opponent's king to win a game
9,331: Your Chess rating is 100 and you think this means you play good moves 100% of the times
9,332: You think that buying a Diamond Chess.com membership gives you an advantage in games
9,333: You didn't know that white goes first in chess games
9334: You take a sample photo of a chess set but you arrange pieces so that both kings are in check.
9338 you don’t even know what chess is and think you mean cheese so you end up eating as much cheese as possible in ur game
9339 you have a rating of 100 in every type of chess game
9340 you lose every single game you played, when you started with a rating of 2882 and the opponents average rating are 100
9341 you lose 100000000 rating per game
9342 you lose on time in every single game, due to your actual game as you are playing a board game at the same time although you lost that one as well
9343 you resign on the first millisecond of the game
55. You have to ask your friends what its like to win
9345.they wan't you to enjoy the feeling so they play blunders on purpose but after each blunder,you say "is that checkmate?did you win?"
You get your husband to play, on the app, white on Fool's mate and black on Fool's mate (white version) just to stop your run of losses...
9,347: In Spell Chess variant, your first move was use Jump spell to move your queen over the pawns, and your opponent responds by using the Jump spell to capture that queen using the rook
9,348: You didn't know Chess originated in India
9,349: You say captured pieces are killed pieces and you go on acting out the assassinating animation like the one in the Harry Potter movie
9,350: You get a yellow card from the arbiter every time you make a move
9,351: You think the opponent must say you are in check if you are (which it isn't) and play as usual even though you are in check
9,352: You make a move and forget to touch the clock, losing you the game
9,353: You think the [GM] next to the player's name means they are from General Motors, and think Chess.com is partnering with them
9,354: You think knights cannot jump, so you try blocking knight attacks by blocking the attack
9,355: When you jot down players' moves, you write castling as 0-0 or 0-0-0 instead of O-O or O-O-O
9,356: You think the 5D Multiverse chess with time travel (or whatever it was called) game is easy, but you lose in 1 minute
9,357: You place a bet of 1 million dollars on Martin in a chess game of Martin vs. Mittens
9296: You watch a levi video and then sacrifice da rooooooooooooooooooook for no reason.