Are you saying that typing in bold font is something to report someone of abuse? who is he abusing? you? This is the herart of the issue. It is the victim complining about his "abuser" yet he keeps running to him, just so he can complain about him again. If you see awardchess by a forum topic, just do not click it. allows users to just BOLD, Italics, and the like to add expression to non-personal black 12 font letters. Is this seriously someworth worth reporting abuse? (If someone told me a perosn was doing this online I would seriously laugh, reporting abuse for using colors... seems juvenile to report this at the least :)
And then you said you hated this person. Such a strong feeling for such a truly pathetic reason? wouldn't you say?
I agree diskamyl. AWARDCHESS: it would help us if you made a little more sense.