
Best Chess Advice, that I gave, recently!


19th June 2008, 02:39am
by bigmac30'); margin-left: 1px; color: #004400; font-weight: bold; background-position: 50% 50%" href="/membership.html" title="Premium Member" class="mbr igld">
devon England 
Member Since: Aug 2007
Member Points: 72

GM grade 2500 my converted from engish system grade 1058 but my weight cerca 275 pounds so why is it not over 3000?

19th June 2008, 05:21am
by AWARDCHESS'); margin-left: 4px; color: #004400; font-weight: bold; background-position: 50% 50%" href="/membership.html" title="Premium Member" class="mbr iplt">
Los Angeles United States 
Member Since: May 2008
Member Points: 129

You have to eat more chess food!  Add Omega -3, 6, 9...

Honey!/? I mean, the Bee product!

But all another relationships are OK, even at the Africa, where everything is OK, except the starvation, sands dust, and the elephants!

They are so big, that we cannot judje them in size, properly!...

And buy Chuck Norris Home Gym!  Arrange an appointment for Chess Coach Sessions. / I am available Tu and Th early morning hours /

Take a massage! / Wed and Fri, is OK, for me!/

Something, gonna help you, certainly!

If not, go to Dentist, check the Vision!, count the feets, on the sofa.

Take an Action! Yes! You can!..

But I doesn't know, what exactly you can, and how much you have to pay, for that! Euro? or just regular Double $$!?

I wish you the Best, of your chess troubles/I mean, experience/!

Go to H8! I mean, the  Checkers!  Or Chess!?? Whatever...


/I mean, awardchess/ 


wow great advice! if only i could understand what it means.


Earth calling Greg! Earth calling Greg? Come in Greg!


It's no good... we've lost him guys.


Ah! the Cosmos! so huge and vacuous.


no... wait... it can't be.... IT IS....



he's figured it out!


I am landed at the Siberia!

Sorry, for delay responses!..

I got food by own, here..


I see you can bake wicked pies, AWARDCHESS, if I come to the Siberia can I have some?
We gonna drink a lot, before play chess and hunting!..



How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


Great advice! I have been counting the feet on the sofa every day since I've read this and I think that it has somehow improved my spending of time (as opposed to chess which is a smaller waste of time and an illusion because I really don't get to read my books and do my chores as much).

Hunting! What are we hunting? Certainly not each other! Although alcohol may make everyone seem a lot more apetizing. 

And when can we have some of those pies?



Get fit! Play! Hunt! Count... Make fun.

You are great, even when you play chess on the checkers board...

I mean,  chess board, they looks alike, after a few drinks!

Playing chess AND hunting.



Girl on phone: "Hey Rael, how're you?"

Rael: "Oh can't complain."

Girl on phone: "What did you do this weekend?"

Rael: "Oh I played chess and hunted with AWARCHESS."

Girl on phone: "Will you marry me?" 


Chess player Artur living  at the Hollywood, California. He asked every nice girl, that he meet: "Can you play chess?"

At 36, he still not married!

What's wrong? with nice girls? With chess? Or with a Hollywood!? 


AWARDCHESS, my friend, the world is a madhouse. 


At the Odessa,on the Black See,  Artur was a millionaire!

Now he is on welfer, here...

The world is a madhouse... You are right! 


At the Odessa,on the Black See,  Artur was a millionaire!

now he is on welfare here...



I really appreciate that on a poetic level, damn.

Haha, you're cool, AWARDCHESS. 


Odessa is just such a wonderful city. Where i was born and where i want to live if i get a chance. I spent about a month their visting family last summer and all I can say is wow. They know how to party like no other XD. A little bit dirty but thats bout the only downside. I should probably post some pics... ehh i might in the future, dont have them on this computer.

[Edit: Found a pic, just posted it in a new album XD]


I was been at the Odessa a few times. First time I was been at 7...

The Odessa is a Fun Capital of the world!..




The best advice in life I got from my friend Emily White (who is no longer with us). Quoting Jesus, she often reminded me: "Seek you first the Kingdom of God."

 Emily explained that what this means is that when you are faced with practical challenges, such as money pr oblems, health issues, personal conflict, rather than focus directly on trying to address the problems in a goal-oriented quest the the solution: concern yourself first with becoming Spiritually balanced and whole, and when you are in a good Spiritual state, then you will tend to make the right decisions.