
Chess Cheerleading Chants


Ignoring the neat little alliteration in the title, chess is often percieved as a dry, tedious sport in which there is very little excitement and one could easily doze off. Therefore,  I believe we should spice it up with attractive, witty cheerleaders to get more interest.

 An example:

Caro-Kann! Caro Kann! If you can't beat it no one Kann!



And yes, I am very strange...


Do the Pirc! Do the Pirc! Make the other guy go berserk!

Fork! Fork! You're a dork!


Caro-Kann! Caro Kann! You can beat it now!

Go black! Go black! find the X-Ray attack! :D

Do the French! Do the French! Make White get hit with a wrench!

Lokaz wrote:

Ignoring the neat little alliteration in the title, chess is often percieved as a dry, tedious sport in which there is very little excitement and one could easily doze off. Therefore,  I believe we should spice it up with attractive, witty cheerleaders to get more interest.

 An example:

Caro-Kann! Caro Kann! If you can't beat it no one Kann!



And yes, I am very strange...

Been there done that

vigilantstraight wrote:

Caro-Kann! Caro Kann! You can beat it now!

Nice 11 year bump


Two Four Six Eight

What do we appreciate?

Check Mate!! Check Mate!! Yayyyy!