
Cool Puzzle I Made - Mate in 6

I randomly thought of a position similar to this and so I couldn't sleep. Yes it was that interesting to me so I got the position on a chess board and tried to tailor it so it functioned as a real puzzle despite the unusual position.
The 'main' moves are the top engine lines and if you go to the other moves, you can see that doing other moves that may seem logical result in a faster checkmate.
After some time I made this! Please try it and have fun with it tactics


F6 bishop is also a mate . I personally liked that move when i did that it told wrong but the winning sound was also played :_(


Hi there Atharva, if you check with the engine, Bf6 or even any other bishop move for that matter does not force mate as the rook can move and the f8 square is not controlled so the king can run away


Just so you know, Bxf6 is an illegal move. If you meant Bxg6, after fxg6, Rxg6 and even Rg7+, the king runs away (if Nxg7 Qxd7+) and is safe with a slight advantage being perfectly safe