
Create a new chess piece!


Former Actress: Combines Queen and Xiangqi Horse but it can also move 2 squares vertically or horizontally and then 1 square diagonally on that same direction, like a camel version of the xiangqi horse


the tiger ,promote 3 pawns to get it , when you promote a pawn you will get 5 options Queen ,Rook,Bishop,Knight ,or Save for Tiger (on your 2nd promoted pawn you get the same options)On your third pawn you get those options and select Tiger it looks like an orange and white queen if you are white if you are black it is an orange and black striped queen 


A piece called the Dilator that moves 1 space in any direction (similar to the king) then can capture any surrounding piece. So if a rook is two squares above and one square left of a Dilator, the dilator can move diagonally in the direction of the rook and capture it. It can only do that second move/capture if it is captured

Baller: does nothing

How about that ?

Fortune teller: Opponent can place fortune teller on an empty square, taking up a move in the process. Howver, the opponent can "predict the future" and pick any empty square before this. If the opponent puts it on that square, they lose. Any time someone predicts, the other places. No exeptions, unless you are in check, in which case, the predicting opponent cannot check.


Worth 0 points, blocks squares until next prediction.

Lucas1009991 wrote:

Former Actress: Combines Queen and Xiangqi Horse but it can also move 2 squares vertically or horizontally and then 1 square diagonally on that same direction, like a camel version of the xiangqi horse

Is this a chess horse on a GO board?

err0r909 wrote:
Lucas1009991 wrote:

Former Actress: Combines Queen and Xiangqi Horse but it can also move 2 squares vertically or horizontally and then 1 square diagonally on that same direction, like a camel version of the xiangqi horse

Is this a chess horse on a GO board?


TheMoonwalker wrote:

Hi, Norwegian mate.

I believe chess is more or less perfect so I don't think it is neccessary to think of new pieces :)

It is just for fun! Have a try and try to be creative!

rauanski wrote:
How about that ?

I corrected it for you, but don't worry you still get a solid B- because you at least did not use Elephant. See my notes and correction in red. lol.

a slave.

it would be a queen that can jump 4 spaces one way and 3 the other.

and can jump to corners. (must be empty corners) but only 3 times a game.

and can be moved again after taking a pawn but only twice at a time.

but the only thing is..


and it also can make indians after 5 moves.

indians just block things.

and you can upgrade indians to a jester after 10 moves. its an indian exept knights cant jump over it.

you can upgrade a jester into a stone after 20 moves.

its the same as a jester exept kings cant go around it.

and you can upgrade a stone into a super stone after 25 moves.

a super stone is a stone that kings cant go past from that hole line (example: if it was on the line where it says 5 the other persons king cant go past that line of the 5)

and you can upgrade a super stone into a golden eagle after 50 moves. its a super stone that can move from that line sme example as last time.

and you can upgrade a golden eagle into a silver trophie after 100 moves.

silver trophies let there teamates go through it.

and thats it.


and there is two slaves in the middle for each team.

Made 11 years ago. It’s kinda racist
comment for rauanski , made 10 days ago.
I think that would just make it super confusing.
rauanski wrote:
How about that ?

These values are completely messed up:

First of all the King should be worth Infinity, it can be put in check and checkmate and if the king gets checkmated then the game ends,

2: theres no way the Archer and the Tiger are worth 8 points, the Archer is just a bishop that is not colourbound and the Tiger is just a rook that can move 1 square diagonally, so:

Wazir = 1 point

Ferz = 1 point

Bishop = 3 points

Rook = 5 points

Tiger = Rook (5 points) + Ferz (1 point) = 6 points

Archer = Bishop (3 points) + Wazir (1 point) = 4 points

3: the Warrior (aka Amazon) should be worth 12 points:

Warrior = Queen (9 points) + Knight (3 points) = 12 points

4: The Archbishop and the Chancellor are most likely to be worth 7 points

5: theres no way the Centaur is worth 6 points, it has nothing special and it becomes kinda weak on big boards it is most likely to be worth 5 points and on endgames the Rook does much better than the Centaur


I would make a piece that looks like a cat and is called the copycat, this piece moves the same way as the piece that was moved before it so if white moved their knight and black moved their copycat then the copycat would move like a knight and if white moved there queen black would be able to move their copycat like a queen


I think humans need to create a new bigger board that has more pieces, to think about. I like the idea of a new piece that moves in a zigzag way. We need a much bigger army.. & this time we protect the queen instead of the king.


warrior queen


it's like a queen except it can also move like a knught



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