


Kingdebeest rider, combines queen and wildebeest rider


Could jump over pieces while using wildebeest rider

The drunk. Make the opponent’s pieces drunk
The copier it picks a single type of piece and it can use the ability of that specific piece
Really? A better idea would be that it moves like the last piece your opponent moved.

The Llama

has a value of 0, literally do nothing except act as a pawn and can only en passant

The village idiot. Moves one square backwards. Starts on the back rank.

The troll brick, it blocks every chess piece you want to move and it needed to move to a different square 15 times, then you could move the piece you want to move to for one turn (there is only one troll brick for the entire game blocking every white+black piece cuz it could move anywhere)

(Really bad if you play blitz+bullet) 

fazekarrigan wrote:

The Llama

has a value of 0, literally do nothing except act as a pawn and can only en passant

Llama already exists 


The Giant

Takes up 4 squares and just gets in your way.


Knight without legs.

Moves like a knight but it can't jump over pieces, if you know what I mean.


The Pope

Moves and attacks like King + Bishop

unionpacificfan wrote:

Knight without legs.

Moves like a knight but it can't jump over pieces, if you know what I mean.

That’s called a qiangi horse, I believe, and it exists on the Variants server already 😆


The supernight, 

Moves like a knight, but after it lands on a square, it takes enemy pieces nearby 




If it takes an enemy piece (its down here) 


the child (baby princess):

can only move however far as the queen is as far from them (so technically can move like the queen can), always being between the queen and the other side of the board. can only take pieces if they can’t be taken after doing that, and can only take a piece if it’s queen had taken one of those pieces already in that game (so they can’t take the other persons queen). although it cannot move into danger by taking another piece, it can move into danger while just simply moving (obviously being in between the queen and the opposite side of the board). it would be worth 2 points if taken, as it has a lot of limitations, but could easily be more useful than pawns, but no consistency like bishops or knights. only of them, however, another would be created if it’s own king got to the other side of the board, appearing where the king started the match.

it would look like the queen, except shorter and with a shorter crown, and less regal looking.

wow, i just made that up as i went along - lmk if i missed anything or something doesn’t add up

The Kneen.

Moves like a knight and captures like a queen.

I made a 3d model.


The Fred

Nobody likes Fred.

You must kill Fred

Fred moves randomly

You can’t capture anything until Fred is killed


The cannibal. Can capture 2 pieces on one move but can capture 2 of its own pieces if it is in the way. After it captures the two pieces your turn has based.


the flag

is made when a pawn promotes

it moves like a king, but it can be captured

when it reaches your back rank you win


= = = The Crewmate = = = 


You start with 0 crewmates, promoted pawns have the option to become a crewmate. Crewmates cannot capture, and can only move one square in each direction. If you have two crewmates, you can call an emergency meeting. Emergency meetings send all pieces back to their original squares, including passed pawns (not in pawn form) and not including captured pieces. If either king is in check right after an emergency meeting, their side loses. If both kings are in check, whoever called the emergency meeting loses. Emergency meeting counts as a turn and can be marked on the list of moves as "!!!". If either side has 3 more crewmate pieces than the other, they votekick the other side's king and automatically win when an emergency meeting is called. If a crewmate reaches the center of the board, it has the option of turning into a ghost, medic, or impostor. Ghosts can move 2 spaces in all directions. Ghosts can't be seen by the other player, but can be spotted (and captured) if the ghost blocks the path of one of the other player's pieces. Ghosts can also capture pieces if that piece is "captured" by the ghost 2 turns in a row. Medics can move 3 spaces in all directions. Medics can spawn a pawn anywhere except the back ranks once every 7 turns, OR a crewmate every 14 turns. Medics can also revive your captured pieces, for example, if the opponent's bishop captures your queen and a rook, your medic goes onto the square that the bishop is currently on (not capturing it, Medics cannot capture), you have the option to sacrifice your medic so you can place the queen and rook anywhere that doesn't put the opponent's king in check. The Impostor can move 4 spaces in all directions, can capture, and can "checkmate" the opposing king if it just checks it 3 times in a row. If you can check the king twice in a row safely with the impostor, then you can check the king "unsafely" (meaning the impostor could be captured next turn) and still have it count as a checkmate.

ALSO: Pieces spawned by the medic just stay where they are during an emergency meeting, impostors count as a +0.5 crewmate count during emergency meetings, Medics count as +1.5, and Ghosts count as +0


Why did I do this?