
I became a CHEATER because...




I have a suggestion for his next username when he rises once more tomorrow: "Pouelle_Mr.8"


Oh our sweet @Pouelle, please take a look at his first game today after he was banned yesterday. A model game of the power of 8. And see how is moves are falling almost always on 8 seconds. If you want to succeed, you need to play at the power of 8.

Wait and 8 wait & 8... & 8 & 8... grin It has a nice rhythm, almost groovy, right? Hehhheeeee it always is such a nice feeling playing engines... grin


Poor @Pouelle cry did not survive the night to tell about his exploits as a... a... ah... eh...sorry have to sneeze... haaaap-cheat , his reincarnation, Bond, James Bond, is going to last at least 1 night as it seems. At least... his going to sleep sweetly, knowing that his engine... is... Casino Royal...flush... have not flushed this lΓΈser out, not yet...

It is 18-04-2024

8 minutes to midnight. to be precise 8 minute and 8 seconds to midnight.


Maybe Pouelle turned into poulet?


I wrote this to "Chicken-ooseven": "Nice, you are getting better at this. Try to play on random time sequences, because when all your moves fall on 8 seconds, well that makes them suspicious of you. Nice touch to keep most of your last username. I am real sad your last account was closed for cheating. You are such a nice "engine-user" love your work, really artistic. wink.png"


I have a terrible sneeze, I played a aheh.... hehe.haptsjcCHEATahhehe.... "Løser" cheated for a few hours then closed his account. It is like you know your boss is going to fire you so you resign and quit your job. What a dush! grin

Plz pay attention to his move 17. Normally this type of moves takes more than the 6 second to calculate. YES he did not play top engine moves all the time, and he knew how to mix time usage and sometimes he threw a few moves of his own.