The Paw (symbol W) would be a nice addition. Moves like a pawn moves or captures and captures like a pawn captures or moves. Feels like it could be about 3 points. Examples: There is a black knight on f4 but it is captured by a white paw Wf2xf4. Or a white paw on b5 is blocked by a black pawn op b6 but simply bypasses it: Wb5-a6.
If there was a new piece.
It moves straight and one to the side, but it can only move 4 ranks up. It cannot move backwards, but to the side and forward.(This is okay). ————————————-
The only way it can go backwards
A thing called the prince, which looks like somebody riding a knight. He has a thing called a charge where the row has to be empty and after one move (the warm up) it will charge, piercing the piece and goes to the square behind the piece it pierces. For example if a knight is on A7 and the prince is on A1, he does A2 for a warm up and then kills the enemy and goes to A8. It's drawback though is, if it isn't charging it can move 2 squares and like a rook.
What if they where to add a new 3 point piece, such as a bishop or night? What would It do and what will it's name be? Me personal opinion is a piece called guard and look like a night and rook mix.