As a maker of chess sets myself I applaud you my good man, very innovative. Colorful. A fun set reminding of the 1968 Dubrovnik design. Well done. The pieces seem to be weighted?
Pool noodle chess set I made
have you thought about making a board that would float. Then you can play while you were in the pool that might be kind of fun.
Playing chess in the pool will simply take the fun out of being in the pool because chess is so un-fun. Seriously, nobody has honestly ever had a fun game of chess.
Very original and clever simplicity! You know, if you put tiny fishing line weights on each unit, you could float them and have kids swim down to move the weights whenever one player moved.
The slightly different tones of white, the tiny separations between each file, with its wonderful asymmetry. All the pieces have their own personality, even the pawns can be told apart easily, but it is not sometimes forced, the elegance comes naturally . Everything has the old smell of craftmanship and it is really beautiful, yet the design is so pure and simple.
Aesthetically pleasing and innovative! Most of the uses I could ever think of for pool noodles were illegal at some level of legal administration, so this is inspiring to see.
A question! The bishops look to me like the ends of hypodermic needles. Is this intentional political commentary, or an indictment of my own tainted mind?
Thanks for the comments! The pieces are weighted with rocks pressed into the hollow centers, and so far have stood up to a brisk breeze. My only tool was a dull saw; some cut marks should probably be carved into the rook tops. Plastic funnels (wide side down) were going to be the pointed part of the bishops, but decided to keep it all noodle, no other materials. It does look like a hypodermic needle tip. It's just a one shot project, with the materials costing less than $10 total (64 tiles at 12 cents each, 4 pool noodles 25 cents each, on sale.) I like the fishing line sinkers, floating in pool idea!
Cheap tiles and discounted pool noodles equals fun outdoor chess set.