when u feel chess is so much better without the knights. when u think pawn promotion is equivalent of reservation of minority groups. when u think chess is as appealing as a vegan diet. when u have dined in a Gordon Ramsay restaurant. when u focus solely on the clock while watching two GMs play blitz. when u spell trouble every time opponent takes long time to make a move.
Signs you're a bad chess player
I meant everyone bullying because I am sometimes have power of chess. Just stop saying im bad at chess
1. You were 1200 2 years ago on another site, and it's taken you 2 years to work your way back up to 1000.
2. Your 7-year-old cousin is playing you and he says, "You are VERY EASY!"
3. Your colleagues at the chess club are debating the merits of the Najdorf vs. the Scheveningen, and you have no idea what they're actually discussing.
4. You drop your queen in a tournament, and your 10-year-old opponent laughs.
5. Your opponent gets both of your rooks in another tournament. For free.
6. Your opponent glares at you with utter contempt during a practice game.
7. Above opponent would rather do his math homework than play you.
8. "Good game" is the nicest thing you'll ever hear after you finish a game.
9. More than one chess coach has written you off as a lost cause.
10. You wonder why you're down a pawn or more after a so-called "exchange..."
You are losing the game and when you look up, you notice that your opponent is reading a book. (Happened to me)
your opponent is not allowed to read a book during a chess tournament. how can you tell that he hasn't his chess notes in one of his pages. if it is a chess book he might even have the position in the book that is in the game with best move suggestion and explanation.
who said it was a tournant.
You are losing the game and when you look up, you notice that your opponent is reading a book. (Happened to me)
your opponent is not allowed to read a book during a chess tournament. how can you tell that he hasn't his chess notes in one of his pages. if it is a chess book he might even have the position in the book that is in the game with best move suggestion and explanation.
who said it was a tournant.
When you think that your King is pinned.