
Signs you're a bad chess player

sksshooter wrote:
Your coach told you to develop pieces and you develop them one-by-one.

but that's not a sign you are a bad chess player though... huh

U develop your rook pawn first until it can’t move any further.Next,you move your knight pawn.when you finish developing your pawns,you develop your rook,knight,bishop,king.The develop ends when your king is checkmated

when opponent gets puzzled by your sacrifice.


When your every move is met with "Did you mean to do that?".

you were told to develop pieces,so you develop lke this:


Quite funny my friend. You have a wonderful sense of humor. Thanks!
You accidentally lose your queen for free and you said “You have to EAT it!”
Your opponent refuse to do it because of what you said two days ago “I hate queens because of the spikes on them “
You confuse‘ capture’ with ‘eat’.In Chinese,they’re the same (吃 chi)

Play f3 and when you see e5 or e6 by your opponent, you immediately play g4!! (Brilliant move). 


You think that pushing the a and h pawns, then developing the rooks is better than developing every other piece


You play the Beginners trap thinking it will activate your rooks



Your catchphrase is "HAHA Pawn go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"


When you move your pawns backward and off the board.


Interesting... signs that you're a bad chess player... alright, here we go! happy.png Here are 3 signs that you're a bad chess player

1. YOU DON'T PRACTICE (Practicing with the bots are a great way to get better at chess play this bot to get better (play without the hints!):

2. You rush to win on time (Rushing to win on time is bad, you make lots of blunders, someone even got fools mated)

3. Overconfidence (You're very high rated let's say 2000 and you're playing against an 800, you can blunder due to your overconfidence)

Ladya79 wrote:

All of these are true for me:

1. You were 1200 2 years ago on another site, and it's taken you 2 years to work your way back up to 1000.

2. Your 7-year-old cousin is playing you and he says, "You are VERY EASY!"

3. Your colleagues at the chess club are debating the merits of the Najdorf vs. the Scheveningen, and you have no idea what they're actually discussing.

4. You drop your queen in a tournament, and your 10-year-old opponent laughs.

5. Your opponent gets both of your rooks in another tournament. For free.

6. Your opponent glares at you with utter contempt during a practice game.

7. Above opponent would rather do his math homework than play you.

8. "Good game" is the nicest thing you'll ever hear after you finish a game.

9. More than one chess coach has written you off as a lost cause.

10. You wonder why you're down a pawn or more after a so-called "exchange..."

I can relate to number 10.