here's one I found. It has 103 moves for white!
queen in center could be more moves like 30 somthing horses are 16 king is 8 rooks 15 each bishop 14 so about 114 w/o pawns
I dont think you can get any more moves out of it by tripling the pawns. You lose a move if you try it on the side with the kings.
Diagram shows legal position with promoted pieces with maximum white moves.
honorius wrote:
Diagram shows legal position with promoted pieces with maximum white moves.
honorius wrote:
Diagram shows legal position with promoted pieces with maximum white moves.
LOL. The Black King must be pissing his pants right now.
Grand_Chill wrote:
honorius wrote:
Diagram shows legal position with promoted pieces with maximum white moves. LOL. The Black King must be pissing his pants right now.
Only if it's White's move.^^ If it's Black's move it's a stalemate and I would celebrate a stalemate in this position if i was Black. ;)
I found a position with 109 moves for White except it was impossible for Black's king not to be in check (which would have meant it had to be black's move, but it's white's!) or not to take away a move. But taking out either of the advanced pawns and putting in the Black king yeilds a position with 108 moves:
A few weeks back there was a thread about how many possible positions there were in chess. It made me wonder what position had the most number of moves for the side to move. To simplify it a little, if White has the move and there are no promoted men, what position has the most number of possible moves?
I set out to figure that out and could not find anything on the internet about it. I found lots of stuff, but nothing about that. So I started doing my own research.
Here is a position with 102 moves for white. I challenge anyone to find one with the same or more. In this position the black king can be placed several different squares. These variations would not be considered unique.