What do you choose?
Okay so promotion mate is defiantly the worst out of the 3. But, en passant or castle marte are OP. Hmmmmm......This is hard. Probably castle mate but, enpassant is awesome to.....
hmm well which is more rare out of the 2?
Idk which makes it hard. Part of me think O-O mate is cooler but, en passant is also damn cool
I prefer en passant mate as well, but castling mate is also quite cool (it would be better if it was O-O-O#)
It is white's turn, this makes en passant impossible right?
No, it does not. Assume that black just played f5
En passant mate...you can manufacture your own castling mate if you play a beginner, but setting up an en passant mate by force on your own is not really a viable option.
Promotion mate is a distant 3rd.
Here is a better one
Castle mate
Promotion mate
En Passant mate
Or mate by a king move? (king move mates also rare)
en passant mate
Yes. En passant checkmate is super rare; besides, I've gotten underpromotion checkmates and castling checkmates several times before. Another cool idea is to have this same position but with the white f-pawn on f3 instead of f2 so that the fourth option of King checkmate via Kf2# is possible.
I'd still select en passant checkmate though - it is the only one of the options I don't recall ever getting (yes, I've had King move for checkmate before too).
Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/oa8gh3/rook_promotion_mate_red_en_passant_mate_yellow_or/