Blindfolded Airstrike Chess
Both players start the game while being blindfolded. As soon as the first players makes an incorrect move the other player can call out for an air strike (shout AIR STRIKE). Call in the bomber, give the correct coordinates and piece you want to target (e.g. Qd8), and that piece is bombed of the chessboard. You are not allowed to bomb the enemies King. Play continues with the player that was bombed.
If the player that called air strike, did so while no error was made by the opponent, the opponent has the possibility to call for a pre-emptive strike (shout FOR NARNIA). The opponent can remove one of your pieces for free and still have the move when play continues.
How about instead of promoting your pawn on the eighth rank, you have the option of just forcing your opponent to remove his queen.
What if if you can get your Queen to the eighth rank, you can promote it to a pawn?
The earliest precursor of modern chess is a game called chaturanga.
In early chess the moves of the pieces were:
Two Arab travelers each recorded a severe Indian chess rule against stalemate:
When I first learned chess, I thought the object was to capture ALL the opponent pieces, including the queen. Just like it is in checkers.
How about a game where all the rules are the same, but you cannot check the king unless you are checkmating the king.
How about when thier's an opencheck, then he move the piece or he touch it, then loss.Only in Boardgame!
Once per game, one piece can perform a HADOUKEN move, destroying all pieces, including itself, on its row or collumn(the performer of the HADOUKEN gets to choose whether row or collumn).
Trench Warfare:Rows 1,3,5 and 7 are called the Open Ground. Open Ground pieces may only capture pieces that are also on Open Ground OR on a Trench directly adjacent to them. Rows 2,4,6 and 8 are called the Trenches. Pieces in the Trench may only capture pieces in the same Trench as them OR on a row of Open Ground directly adjacent to their Trench.
Because in bordgame,we apply touch move for profesional player to avoid touching of every piece and for the player to think before they move. By the way ,it just only for imaginary rule.
Each player can make two consecutive moves, only once.