
A Cruel Lesson......


Another game which i win. I played white, i named this a cruel lesson because my opponent learnt a lesson in moving too fast without thinking and playing useless moves. All comments are welcome :)

well, i don't mean to be rude at all, but while your ideas of rapid development are good, giving up a piece (hanging the knight) to open up a file on your queenside (which is where your king is castled) is just not good no matter how you look at it. also, giving up the rook for bishop was unnecessary. i'd say you were very lucky to win this game.
Oh no :) dont worry i dont get offended or hurt or nething hahaha i wouldnt have posted my game if i didnt want criticism :).Giving up the rook was a blunder i rlly didnt mean to do it, but the bishop sac was the only fast way for me to open up his queen side.  
yea honestly that was not a great win. You are really lucky to have won. He completely blundered in the end and if he hadn't you would have lost.
its true :) but thats what chess is for me exploiting others mistakes u know?
hey buddy i'm afraid i have to agree with the others. on move 7 i might have tried Nh4 to put pressure on the B & threaten f4-f5. 15...O-O!, etc.

I also have to agree with the rest here :)


14. O-O-O?? is a blunder giving up a piece for only some vague compensation... But seriously it's a bad move and saying you wanted to open the queenside doesn't justify this blunder.


Then a bit later you move your knight back and forth from b5 to c7. Why not take d6? The knight is certainly stronger on d6 than on c7 where it's just vulnerable.


21. Rd3?? is again a horrible blunder, not onl giving up the exchange for nothing, but also losing the knight on c7 soon.


22... cxd4? is not too great either. Not because it loses, but because 22... Qd8 is alot easier, winning the knight on c7. 


24. Nxe6+?? is again a total waste. You give up your strongest piece for only a pawn, while it's not even threatened. Just 24. Qb4+ Kg8 25. Qxb7 seems stronger.


25. Qxd8 again is a weird and bad move. All you can do is try to create some confusion in his camp before resigning, so exchanging pieces only helps him. I'm sure you can count as well, so if you did, you would have seen that black has two rooks and two knights, and you have only one rook and one knight. How lost can you be?


27... Nxe5?? is a big blunder again, not seeing such a simple one-move threat. 25... Kf7 and white can just as well resign. Still it's not "fatal" as you call it, since both sides are forced to take the draw.


And then of course the biggest blunder of the entire game is 30... Kg8?? It's something even a 1000-rated can see, so that's certainly very bad.


So now you certainly shouldn't think you're good or you won justfully. You were hopelessly lost and 99 out of 100 people would have beaten you if they had the position after move 25. Learn from your mistakes. Your biggest mistakes were to just give up a piece without analyzing it, to blunder a rook, and to trade queens when you're lost.

هI agree that im lucky :) im just glad he made more mistakes than me
Time to start posting games that you lost instead of games that you won.
I will soon :) im about to lose 1 on here haha
I think both sides could definitely improve, but white played better
