
AI analysis of all my games?


So I am sure someone is working on this but anyone know of a way to analyze all my chess matches using AI and have it suggest overall strategies and offer suggestions for improvement? The tools existing are great, but I think an analysis like this would be hugely beneficial. should definately look into that if they aren’t already. 

I’ve used stuff like this and ai just doesn’t really work well with it at least yet, it keeps suggesting weird stuff that isn’t right and telling me I was playing with my opponent’s color. Could very well just be a badly designed ai, but look at one of our most advanced ai, ChatGPT, it can’t play chess without cheating and this is kind of how the ai that I use that suggests stuff acts

Ya I was thinking themselves could create one specifically for this use case - if it’s made specifically for it, LLM’s can do amazing things.


AI can learn things, but it requires data. Immense amounts of data.

For an AI to learn chess analysis, it would need analyzed games. Lots of them. Millions and millions. Where would you get those?

And that analysis can't be utter trash (like's Game review), because then the AI's analysis will be trash too...


Chess is such a deterministic game that engines are quite good at analysis. What could be useful practical evaluations by excluding lines beyond the Elo level of the players, as standard engines often give wild evaluations based on moves low Elo players wouldn't find. I doubt pure LLMs would be good for this, because they'd have the same problem of seeing too much (assuming properly trained), but maybe they could be trained on what kind of tactics are realistic at an Elo level. I still think the results would still be too inconsistent and misaligned from AI trying to get your approval instead of giving tough criticism. Also it would be wildly expensive to do this for a large amount of games. Hard coding improvements is honestly probably the best. I think is the best example I've seen of making a more useful practical chess engine analysis, but I haven't used it beyond the free trail. Probably some free options somewhere on Github.

Also fwiw here's an article from last month on the state of AI powered chess analysis:


The name AI is misleading.

Because you see "Intelligence", you come to think "It's then intelligent". And "since intelligent entities should be able to understand, learn, know chess, then..."

But no, it's not so.

A chess engine do chess, and may have some commenting games subroutines implemented. That would be Fritz, for an example. It won't "know" a thing outside chess tho, you can't then talk about the weather nor anything after or before the game.

An AI is made to try emulate a human being, conversation wise. It'll search within a huge database of pre-existing texts, written by others, like you, me, Einstein, etc, what seem to be the most suitable reply to what you're telling it. Yet, it doesn't know for it, the meaning of any word at all. And doesn't know how to play, well, just any game at all. It doesn't even know what a game is.

So, guys, girls, else, quit torturing yourselves with damn AI, it's just one tool among many others, and the use of any tool, is always limited to certain tasks, until you implement some sub-tools in it to help it do other things.


"AI powered" means jackpoop. It sounds great, but 'lol' is the appropriate comment to it.

You keep thinking of AIs as the things that don't exist outside sci-fi movies, and that commercials try to convince people it would be, so you'll buy what "AI yogurt", "AI sandwich", or "AI sneakers".

Most of the time, when it comes to have you buy something, you can trust AI is misrepresented, for what it is actually.

Hence, and since chess engines are engines, not something else, there is nothing such as "chess AI".

Just saying.


(I would not trust the best AI to make me a ham sandwich, seriously)


A big difference between AI and human intelligence, is that humans can learn chess through conversation. AIs can't. If you want your favourite AI to know how to play chess properly, you'll have to add lines of code to its programm.

It goes same way for IQ tests. An AI would fail to any IQ test, for not knowing what it is, even if you spend days or weeks trying to explain it to them. It would require specific lines of code added to the programm, so it could do it.

We, humans, can pass IQ tests without any special pre-teaching. Maybe we'll score low, but we'll fill the form properly.


I work with AI. I knows it’s capabilities thanks 🙂feeding it chess games is exactly what it needs. It doesn’t need to review any previously done review - just the games and the rules and the strategies involved. It can then make a determination on your games and suggest strategies.

i was just wondering if has anything moving forward. This regard and if not - they should do so.

KoltenCowie wrote:

I work with AI. I knows it’s capabilities thanks 🙂feeding it chess games is exactly what it needs. It doesn’t need to review any previously done review - just the games and the rules and the strategies involved. It can then make a determination on your games and suggest strategies.

i was just wondering if has anything moving forward. This regard and if not - they should do so.

If you want to evaluate moves and positions, absolutely correct all you need is rules and raw games. However OP wants analysis that offers suggestions for improvement intended for humans, you will need to also feed it chess literature and human game reviews.


Calculation comes in play

KoltenCowie a écrit :

I work with AI.

"He works with AI" Hilarious.

Reminds me of that woman who tried to bypass my prescription for a daily bandage over a severe burn, on the motive she "worked in an hospital". Doing cleaning up. Yeah.

"Don't worry, I'm from the Internet".

KoltenCowie a écrit :

[...] feeding it chess games is exactly what it needs. It doesn’t need to review any previously done review - just the games and the rules and the strategies involved.

Yeah, SURE, and how is it you explain chess to your AI? You talk to it? You TELL it what it is, how it works and what are the rules? Yeah? That's what you're doing? In a microphone or you type it on the KB? And it does ACTUALLY understand you?

The world is so full of liars.


One last time: machines don't understand words. A software, a computer, doesn't know AT ALL what "blue" is, nor does it know what a "game" is. Machines don't THINK, no they don't. They run lines of codes that makes them search through a database of texts, and using algorithms, it determines what's the suitable sequence of words to reply to you. It doesn't understand your question, and doesn't know the meaning of what it does answer.

It is very well explained in many videos made by specialists on Youtube, in case my own explanations are not enough.

Here, for an example, a video (I did not watch, but they basically all explain to you the same truths about AI)


If you care to get a clue about how hard it is, to explain just ANYTHING to a computer, just remember that: it took over 20 years tests & trials, coding and re-coding, to finally have a robot hand (commanded by a computer) being able to lift up a glass filled with a random amount of water, without breaking it, and without letting it slip.


Maybe in the future... Maybe needs to upgrade their analysis system to use LC0, then once it is slightly better, it can be improved into an AI. Though it isn't very good, the coach does give you some things to work on.

Jindagara a écrit :

Maybe in the future... Maybe needs to upgrade their analysis system to use LC0, then once it is slightly better, it can be improved into an AI. Though it isn't very good, the coach does give you some things to work on.

If, in the future, you have got what we call an AI, that properly play chess, it will be an AI coded to use a chess engine, that will have been added to it, for the purpose of it being capable of playing chess.

It won't be anything such as an AI that can play chess using only its original coding.

And same goes, if you see a robot, commanded by some AI, performing cooking: it would be actually an AI using an other specialized software that is NOT within its own coding. Or, it'd be then a cooking machine/engine, not an AI.

It's like a motorbike, and its driver. The bike has a terrific engine that can propel its driver very fast, but is not a part of the driver.


At all times, if a software, any software, including AIs, can perform any specific task, the lines of code related to that specific tack can be separated from it and be a software alone, as in, some "engine" dedicaced to a specific task.

So, you may have an AI, boosted with a ton of sub-programms, allowing it to play Chess, Go, Monopoly and so on, but still, all these sub-programms won't be really any parts of the AI, and would run without it, as "Go engine", "Monopoly engine", etc. if asked to.

It would be impressive, but NOT some so clever machine who "learned" to play any of these games.