
another win - this time i make a lot of mistakes


Anyone find any problems in my game. please comment so I can improve.

step 21, why he didnt take your knight on a3 i don't know. this seems more of a good player vs. a lesser player
You could have checkmated him on the 18th move.
move 4 O-O! followed by BxN & NxP to expose the BK. It depends on his 4th move. move 5 Bxc6!

thanks for posting your game, dcm (can i just call you dcm? okay great thanks). i hope the following comments regarding your opening moves are helpful:

you are right about 5. Ba4 being a bad move, as it did nothing for your development (getting all of your pieces into play immediately) or for tempo (forcing your opponent to respond to your moves, rather than the other way around). seeing as how you were under attack and therefore didn't have the option to develop, 5. Bxc6 would have been better because it is an aggressive, assertive move that forces black to respond..."hey black, i have your knight, and i can take your pawn. what are you gonna do about it?"

move 6. first of all, the "may as well take something with me" attitude is a bad attitude to have; it assumes that your opponent has already won the piece. don't give up--instead, plan revenge. what you did (take the b-pawn) gave black both tempo and development: tempo because you were responding to black's moves, and development because 6...axb5 frees black's rook (which black didn't take advantage of in this game, but should have).

instead, why not 6. Nc3? you develop your knight, protect your e-pawn, and when black takes your bishop (which will happen anyway), you can retaliate with your b-pawn (which gives the added benefit of freeing your rook).

finally, around move 12 you wrote "still blocking my king from moving now i need to attack." while this mindset isn't quite as objectionable as the aforementioned, it is probably better to think in terms of protecting your king and attacking, simultaneously. in this situation, black retreats his bishop--a poor move, as it loses tempo for black. your instinct to pick up the tempo that black had just lost was a good one, but you chose a questionable strategy to do so. "discovering" an attack on black's knight is fine, but when you're down in material (black was up a bishop at this point), sacrificing a piece is usually not the best idea. 13. Ne1, while seemingly a non-developing move, forces black to make the equally weak move 13...Nh6, and you could still attack the black king with your queen (without losing a piece).

anaxagoras wrote: You could have checkmated him on the 18th move.

didn't see that when I was playing. I need to look out for that type of thing

Thank you for sharing.
Your biggest mistakes were losing a bishop on move 5, losing the knight on move 13, and not playing checkmate on move 17, and losing the other knight on move 22.

On the other hand, you made a really nice comeback and a brilliant sacrifice on move 16!
My bad they could have taken with the knight on move 16. It’s a trade, not brilliant, but the computer still thinks it’s good.

Dude this is from 17 years ago.