
Any way of avoiding the mate in 1?


You can scroll forward in the game and see what i got myself into! so tell me if i get any chances, thank you.

Yes, play 34. Rxb3 Laughing
well thats a bit too late lol, any other possibilities?

34. Rxb3 was better, but if you want an eariler correction play 2. d4 and if ...f5 black has "tricked" you into a dutch. I don't know what to suggest at that point, but taking the f-pawn now or as you did in the game doesn't seem wise maybe

3. e5!? is the answer?  I don't know much about the dutch though.

more normal would have been 1.e4 e6 2.d4 f5 3. Nc3

Snap! I think ur busted!Laughing

tbirdtird, Ke5 is not possible cause the pawn on d6 is guarding it so it would be a illeagal move.
After 34. axb3?? Rb4 there's a forced mate in one. White can't prevent black from playing 35... R(x)d4#.

trickser i think you need to go back to 1st grade i never said Ke5 i said e5 in the line

1.e4 e6 2.d4 f5 3. e5!?  but this might be bad, so maybe white should play Nc3.

tbirdtird wrote:

trickser i think you need to go back to 1st grade i never said Ke5 i said e5 in the line

1.e4 e6 2.d4 f5 3. e5!?  but this might be bad, so maybe white should play Nc3.

 Why be rude? And if you are going to be rude, at least pick a better line than "you need to go back to first grade"...

Your right Etienne, I apologise Trickster and everyone that was uncalled for... 
White played badly in the opening. And what was the need for the white king to take a walk in the middle of the board. Still, 34.Rxb3 and the game could go on.
On move 34, they were threatening Rb4 mate in one. So, you needed to defend that square. There were que a few months to do so, you can try them out on the analasys
Rxb3 or a3 would have defended that square nicely. Any king move would have also stopped mate. Rook to c1 or e1 would have allowed you to move it onto the 4th rank next turn. Finally, d4 or Rd1 would have allowed you to play the other of the 2 moves next turn, defending the mate square.

@SacrifycedStoat, WHY did you have to revive a thread that has been dead since 2007?!?!?!?!?

Etienne wrote:
tbirdtird wrote:

trickser i think you need to go back to 1st grade i never said Ke5 i said e5 in the line

1.e4 e6 2.d4 f5 3. e5!? but this might be bad, so maybe white should play Nc3.

Why be rude? And if you are going to be rude, at least pick a better line than "you need to go back to first grade"...

What's better? You're retarded?

tbirdtird wrote:
Your right Etienne, I apologise Trickster and everyone that was uncalled for... 

No it wasn't. It was quite appropiate.