Chesspad Problems
Step 1 is to get the "PGN File" from To do that, goto the Online Chess page, open your game, open the "Moves" tab, and choose 'get PGN'. Your web browser should allow you to save the file to your computer.
Step 2 is to open the PGN File in chesspad. Open chesspad, choose "Database" then "Open" from the menu system, and select the PGN file you downloaded. Now you should be looking at your game in Chesspad!
Step 3 - You can navigate through the game by using the BACK "<" button and the FORWARD ">" button. You can also ask your computer who it thinks is winning in any particular position by pressing the ANALYZE "A" button.
I have downloaded Chesspad and I am having trouble getting the games from here to there HELP!!!