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Could someone review this please
I mean that's kinda of a tough ask but 3. ... Nf6 is inaccurate because white has d4 exd4 and Qxd4 and you've been moveordered to a disadvantaged position because c6 prevents you from playing Nc6. Your opponent blundered a piece move 6. Move 13 you didn't play Qxd3 for some reason. Move 14 you exchanged bishop for knight for no reason. Move 19 your opponent blundered a piece again. Move 20 you found Ne2! and move 21 you missed forced mate in 3 with Qxd1 Re1 (Qe1 Qxe1 Rxe1#) Qxe1 Qxe1 Rxe1#. Move 24 you should've doubled on the second rank since theres not really a threat on the back rank. Move 25 your opponent blundered his queen back allowing you to win it by force. The rest of the game there's not much to write home about.
Check out this #chess game: 1Big_G vs Michael-148 - https://www.chess.com/live/game/130166920071