
Eval Bar World Championship 2024

Hi, I was thinking why can’t we lower the evaluation bar computer strength to the same as the players. Instead of an eval bar calculating at a 3500 rated computer, can’t we make it 2700 the same as the players. Currently it’s deceiving when you think one player has a big advantage, but they only do if they are a 3500 rated computer and can find all the perfect moves. No human is 3500 so why not make it lower rated, or better yet remove it completely and let’s listen to the GM commentator analysis.

The reason they don't do that is because computers calculate differently than humans, so it's very hard to make a computer act the same way a human would (knowing what moves are "hard to see") and also it would be misleading to have an inaccurate computer because these players can sometimes find the best move in extremely puzzling situations. If you don't like the eval bar just don't look at it ig lol...

Having it set to different elo ratings could be a good idea, but it would be hard for the computer to understand how the human mind works. The easiest solution to this would be to have it set to calculate only a certain amount of moves into the future, with that number decreasing as the set elo decreases. But this wouldn’t be perfect, as most players can usually either calculate more or less than the number chosen at any given time. Instead, creating different AIs for different levels, and having real players at those levels evaluate the positions could teach the AI of the skill level of the players, more accurately presenting an eval.