Great Rook sacrifice or just blunder?
yeah, i had a winning position after exf4 but i had to do sth to convert that advantage. thank you for the comment.
If you admit that he blundered, then how would Rxf4 be brilliant?
w/o his blunder, i think white had a winning position thats why I asked for opnions.
Pinning the knight with the bishop, and then following up with the rook sac, are part of the same strong attack that takes you from being roughly 1.5 points ahead to about 2.5 points ahead.
Any other move and you instead equalize.
So the rook sac is a necessary continuation. Not obvious, but any other move loses the edge.
You think he had no other options than a help mate in 3?
What about something like 39...Rg8
I did not think he had no other options thats why I wrote he blundered. Rg8 would be met by Rf1 and position is very complicated, but white has initiative.
Pinning the knight with the bishop, and then following up with the rook sac, are part of the same strong attack that takes you from being roughly 1.5 points ahead to about 2.5 points ahead.
Any other move and you instead equalize.
So the rook sac is a necessary continuation. Not obvious, but any other move loses the edge.
I see. Thank you.
Rxf4 does win by force, but the second move should be Qg4+ Kh8 Qf5 and then you win, however, if you don't insert Qg4+ then after your faulty Qf5, Black just plays Re8 and he's winning.
I see so the Rxf4 was correct but I made a bad move. And after Re8 I can play Re1. I believe this position is still playable.
it does look really hard for him to support f6. I tihnk it was quite a brilliant move. You actually could have improved with 39 Qg4+ (kh8 Qf4 Kg7 rf1...its all inevitable) With your immediate Qf5 i guess black has chances to escape with rg8 rf1 h5
yeah I should have just played Qg4+, but I was worried about he could play Rg7 after I played Qg4+ Kh8 Qf5 Rg7. Now I noticed that Rg7 cant take g3 pawn due to the pin, but at that time I could not see that in detail...thank you for the comment.
For what it's worth, 5.Qc2 is a pointless move at best. The Queen isn't needed to support the e4 pawn or to be in a position to recapture on c3 as in the Nimzo. On the other hand, moving the queen weakens the d4 pawn so that 5...Nc6 for Black would have equalised.
17...Rfc8 is one of the most mysterious moves I've ever seen. 21.Ng4 violates the well-known rule that the player with the space advantage should avoid exchanges.
Your rook sacrifice was excellent, but you didn't follow it up correctly--chess is such a hard game! correct was 39.Qg4+ Kh8 40.Qf5! After your 39.Qf5 Black could have played 39...Rg8, giving his king an escape and leaving the issue in doubt. Great idea! but not the best follow up.
Yes, I agree with you that Qc2 is such a pointless move. For move 21. Ng4, I don't think I have never converted my space advantage to victory yet so I did not think about the space much. Yes I did not follow it up correctly. I could not see Rg8 dont work. Thank you for the comment
Nh5 makes almost no sense. And his h6-g5 plan was kind of bad, after e5 he had to play for f5, and that is easier to achieve with a pawn on g6. I dont know why you didnt try to place a knight on f5 after g5.
Your rook sacs looks interesting, Black is really tied up. However whats up with Qf5? Can't he just move his f8-rook out of the way or something?
Nxf6 looks very suspicious, couldnt you just double on the f-file with your rooks? That bishop looks like its going anywhere.
I think your opponent's play made close to no sense.
This is the most accurate and useful post here. I would say Black's pointless play started earlier when he ignored the weakness of the d4 pawn with 5...Nbd7 instead of 5...Nc6 which would show that Qc2 does not demonstrate an understanding of the position.
I played this game in OTB against 1700 strength player. Let me know what you guys think about this game and rook sacrifice.