Guess my ELO!
I guess you are slightly better than the old guy with his popular post "I am bad at chess", so my guess is 200. Until I saw you ignore that your queen can be captured, I had you much higher, but there were some moments where I just couldn't let you off the hook.
Chess is more like soldiers at the battlefield in that they need to hold a certain position or formation, rather than chaotically chasing pawns across the board like a dog fetching a stick, which is what this game reminded me of, so that's also why I picked what I did.
I played as white. Won by checkmate. Don’t look at my profile for any hints! I will reply to correct answer.
Rlly bad,missed anastasia mate so like I give about 450
300! Working on learning anastasia mate haha.
Learning Anasthasia mate at this point is something like learning the scissor heel hook submission as a MMA beginner.
Just don't drop most of your pieces until you do fancy tactics.