
Hello+Game Analysis


Hey people i'm a new chess player who just joined this site and was astonished at how the puzzles and the " learn chess or call me an idiot" book helped me. I am still not very good and have trouble planning a lot of moves a head. i am actualy playing the chess computer on this website and here is the situation I am in:








And I was wondering what should be my next moves because I see nothing really great and I am kind of blocked!

Thanks for your help :) 

there is nothing immediately winning here. you are up a piece. just don't make any mistakes ;) you need to get your knight back in the game!
Yeah but my knight is totally blocked...+ Isn't his bishop checking me on the next move?. (I will finish the game later on tonight cause i don't hve much time.
I looked at this position for a bit, came up with my own ideas, and then out of curiousity set the position up in chessmaster to see what it suggested. We both came up with the same Idea - Rg7. This will be countered by ... Bf8, you move rook to h7, then computer takes your rook, you take back with the queen. I won't give you too much away, you are in a better position here but I wouldn't say winning. For future reference, there is a saying "a knight on the rim is dim," so as a general rule, its best to keep your knights centralized where the have the greatest influence. With Rg7 etc. you open up squares that allow you to get your knight off the edge of the board while attacking at the same time. Hope this helps.
Thanks I wanted to check it out and when i did Rg7 the answer was to put his pond on e5 with a possible threat to my queen:P. The rook up there doesn't have much influence and so should I move the queen?

I just joined this site and im not too experienced. I saw u had a question about the puzzle of the day. Why not start with Qb8? Its because once you trade the "pawn" (<-- correct spelling :P) the black queen can put the king in perpetual check (keep going back and forth = draw).

For the situation here, looking at it quickly, I might give a3-a4 a try. If black takes the pawn, your queen can come in strong with a check and if black moves the king, take the c6 pawn with your bishop, attacking the queen. It is very offensive and I didn't really look at other possibilities.

Hope this helps :D


I would simply get the knight back into the game by Bd1. Don't worry if he puts you in check, your king is vulnerable in the corner there, why not bring him to support the pawns? If he checks you move the king to b2 or c2, he will be less vulnerable there and will support the pawn, the check just gives you a gain of tempo, and eventually on more as the black bishop won't have much play there and will have to move again.


Another good option might be Ra2, with the eventual push of the a2-a3 pawn giving you nice play on the king side.


When you are is such positions look at your pieces and determine what they are doing and where you could put them so they are more useful. 

You are definitely in a winning position. The doubled rooks on the g-file will start causing havoc soon. Rg7 is probably the best move, but since things seem pretty deadlocked, Kb2 could be another legitimate move if you want a wait-and-see approach.
Emmanuel wrote:

Hey people i'm a new chess player who just joined this site and was astonished at how the puzzles and the " learn chess or call me an idiot" book helped me. I am still not very good and have trouble planning a lot of moves a head. i am actualy playing the chess computer on this website and here is the situation I am in:



 Bonjour emmanuel,


Bien, je ne sais pas si tu as évolué dans ta position...Toujours est-il q'au vu de celle-ci, le pion f7 me semble être le point de référence d'un offensive sur l'aile Roi, affaiblie chez les blancs. En outre, le dédoublement des tours ne me semble pas étranger à un coup du type Tg7! Ensuite, en pensant à la finale, il s'agirait de que le roi fasse sa part de travail tout en se protégeant.un Roi sur la 2ème rangée me semble tout indiqué.voilà....Clopinet 






And I was wondering what should be my next moves because I see nothing really great and I am kind of blocked!

Thanks for your help :) 


Yes we all agree that the knight needs to get back in the game. I would choose Rg7 for the reasoning Etienne used: Place your pieces where they are most useful. If there was a good move for the bishop, then this would be the obvious choice, but Bd1 is too passive for my taste, as is queenside pawn play. g7 is a much better square for the g2 rook, so much so that black will probably respond immediately in the ways previous posts have pointed out. When this has been done, we will have simplified (or still have a daunting 7th rank rook), and have an easy path to centralize the knight.
Emmanuel wrote: Thanks I wanted to check it out and when i did Rg7 the answer was to put his pond on e5 with a possible threat to my queen:P. The rook up there doesn't have much influence and so should I move the queen?

 So just respond to e5 with Qf5. This will probably win one or both of the f-pawns, and if black trades Queens, puts your knight back in the center. Black faces problems no matter how he responds really. You are mistaken that the rook has little influence on g7. A rook on the seventh rank will almost always be potent. This one will control an open file, a semi-open rank, and threaten to win the f7 pawn with a pin to the Queen.


Bs of opposite colors is always good for the attacker. i like a4 to try an open the Ks position: the B's aimed that way, if he takes then Qa3+ is possible, & if he don't take the a-pawn, you take with an open a-file for your Rs.

of course, i know some of these other guys are good players & nobody suggested it so i'm not sure how practical the idea is. Oh excuse me Mats & Etienne, in a way, did suggest it!