
How do I keep from losing in this spot?


Hi all.

This is my first post here, and I don't have a specific game log to post.  (This is also my first time trying to write using chess notation, so my apologies if I mess up).  I find that I am having a problem and my last three losses have come from the same spot.

 Occasionally, I move Pa2-a3, but that doesn't seem to help.  Invariably, a move resulting in Qxb2 ends the game.

What am I doing wrong that gets me into that position?  Do I need to eliminate the queen before I castle into my king defense? 

 I appreciate any help.


you could try advancing your b pawn forward. also, if a queen takes that pawn and it's mate, be sure to watch out for those things. that's why it's so good to learn about the basic mates because they are like repeated themes. the setup you have with the pawns in a line is quite strong, but you must be on the lookout for backrank mates as they call it. that's when a rook or queen attacks the back "line" you are on and you have no escape.