Don't you have a web browser? You can do a lot more on the web version of
Was just thinking the same thing - is better on the desktop. But. I'm not a fan of being tied to my desk and a laptop. I prefer iPad and phone... Prefer to be more fluid with where I read, work and chess. In the chess ecosystem, perhaps I am in the minority?
I put mine together in a text editor and then save them to my hard drive. The moves are just the moves, but the headers are mostly from chessgames dot com, although they're often missing the Elo numbers, and so I add those in from chess dot com. It's just copying and pasting. If it's an annotated PGN, then I go to lichess dot org, import it, and then download the raw PGN, to remove the annotations. It's not the kind of thing where I'll end up with a ton of them, but it feels sort of like collecting stamps.
It does sort of feel like collecting stamps!
I've been doing something similar in that I cannot annotate my games on iOS on - so I move the png to lichees to annotate and then save.
Any tips on wading through and finding the right pgn in a sea of text files?
Don't you have a web browser? You can do a lot more on the web version of