New, but willing to learn
What littleman says about playing e5 is true as soon as move 7. The first and easiest way to improve your game is to recognize simple patterns like this one. the pawn moves forward one square and attacks two pieces simultaneously.
Starting at move 10 you trade away your three most active pieces. It's easier to build up an attack if you don't exchange away pieces so easily.
On move 28 you could play d7 and promote the pawn on the next move.
I'm pretty new to the chess world, but after doing a little reading, I decided to try my hand at a game, which I did win, but I know there's ALOT to be learned from every game, which is why I'm posting this on here for analysis. Trust me, I'm sure it's ugly...but I'm hoping to make it less ugly through practice and analysis. Thanks in advance!