
Notation and Score ??


Sorry for this as I imagine many of you will be annoyed at my ignorance but I searched for these answers and could not find them so here goes:

1) gave me a game analysis and at one point it starts giving me this notation: (+Mat04) what do it mean???

2) Above the FEN strings box it says SCORE. How do I interpret this score; what is it based on?

Please forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong spot and for asking such basic questions here, but thank you for any assistance.


I'm not sure which score you mean, but I think you mean the official game score: 1 - 0 means white won. 0 - 1 means black won. 1/2 - 1/2 means it was a draw. 1 - 1 means that the two players arranged the game to their own benefit. 0 - 0 means that the table next to them realized the game was being rigged and put a hole in each player.


(1) I believe you are referring to the computer's estimate of the positional. 0.0 means a dead even position, +1.0 means white is up the equivalent of a pawn (whatver you take that to mean), -3.0 means black is up the equivalent of a minor piece etc. +Mat04 means there's a force mate in 4 moves


The score I'm referring to is below. Mr Nick, I think you answered it but it's still sort of vague to me because at this point in the game I wasn't up 10.51 points. The info +MATxx is very clear. Thank you very much.



And by the way ivandh - you sit next to some tough tables!! Innocent


If you were white then the computer thinks you were indeed up by 10.51 points! E.g., if your opponent can only avoid checkmate by sacrificing his queen for no material, then you could easily reach such a score. As you click over the moves you will see this value change


Ah ok- that is referring to what Nick was talking about. You may not have been up 10 points in material, but the computer also takes position into account. If, for example, you had developed all your pieces to good squares while your opponent was just pushing pawns, you'd have a sizable advantage, even if the material were even.


You guys nailed it. Thanks so much.


0 - 1 means black won. 1/2 - 1/2 means it was a draw. 1 - 1 means that the two players arranged the game to their own benefit. 0 - 0 means that the table next to them realized the game was being rigged and put a hole in each player.


At the of a game with a bot playing black it was noted as 0-1 ?, ? Can anyone tell me its meaning?


This is a 13 year old thread, but 0-1 means black won. 1-0 means white won. First number is white, second one is black. Draws are notated as 1/2-1/2. So (I'm guessing you played black) you won

vamsim7 wrote:

This is a 13 year old thread, but 0-1 means black won. 1-0 means white won. First number is white, second one is black. Draws are notated as 1/2-1/2. So (I'm guessing you played black) you won

All this was already explained 13 years ago (almost 14, in fact).