
Opening quandry

I get into an opening problem (I'm black) that starts like 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 b6 4. d3 Bb7 5. Ng5 and I start 2 sweat. 
There is the threat of either the N or B taking f7 with subsequent loss of material or position. My response was 5. ...Nh6 but I am still in a bad way.  Any suggestions to ward off this awkward position or a better response than Nh6?
Note my opponent is much higher rated than me and simply castled, I whipped out my Q to f6 further defending the point and thinking about castling Q-side.  But this happens with another OTB player and he ususally proceeds to crush me.
Thank you ketchuplover for catching my inaccuracies, I've corrected them.  Could you tell me more about the analysis thread?

3...Be7 is the Hungarian Defence.  That could protect you against a quick Ng5 because of the queen on d8 and the bishop on e7. 

3...b6 isnt considered a good move.  The main moves are 3...Nf6 Two Knights Defence, and 3...Bc5 Giuoco Piano.

ghostofmaroczy is right, 3... Nf6 or 3... Bc5 are good continuations; sometimes I move 3... h6 just to protect the g5 square.  Then you won't have to sweat.  Wink  4. d4 is better for White.  5... Nh6 is the best move in that situation.  After 6. O-O, your best move was 6... Na5, attacking the bishop, better than 6... Qf66... Qf6 does not remove the threat at the f7 square.