
Please help me analyze this game...



I'm having a game the other day. I lose... Moreover, the game did not develop as I intended to be. I was trying to open the game in the middle, but in the end I end up sacrificing too many pawns. I also doubt my game tempo, I feel that I played too slow, and wasting time developing. What do you think?

Please give comments...


You are right in what you say, but you should have won this. Even on move 27. u are a piece up. Your big mistake is giving up the e-file.

Why not just play Rxf4? Your rook on e8 is dominant. Look at this. And never exchange down the open file like this:



42.pawn gets queen (i dunno how to write that)..... Rxc4

Discovered check and you win the pawn/queen and a pawn too. You should win after that. Its ok you just missed a move. :)



42.pawn gets queen (i dunno how to write that)..... Rxc4

Discovered check and you win the pawn/queen and a pawn too. You should win after that. Its ok you just missed a move. :)

bloodboy, 41. Kg3 Be5 42. c8=Q+ and black is in check making Rxc4 not a legal move.

5. ... Bb4? The bishop doesn't really accomplish anything on this square except to allow your opponent to build up his pawns in the center.


14. ... f5 allows 15. Nxf5 (or Bxf5)


21. ... Qxf5 and you say you doubt this move. What is to doubt here? You capture his piece without losing significant material yourself.


24. ... b6. This is a mistake. You are losing your f7 pawn and restricting your bishop.


30. ... Rh4 doesn't seem right. Rooks need long lines to operate on, your rook is very restricted here and doesn't factor much in the rest of the game.


you started out wrong you should have tried phildors move ed

You had him until move 30. After that he took initiative and it was game over

You gave up a lot of material uneccesarily. Try less risky openings is my guess.
mxdplay4 wrote:

You are right in what you say, but you should have won this. Even on move 27. u are a piece up. Your big mistake is giving up the e-file.

Why not just play Rxf4? Your rook on e8 is dominant. Look at this. And never exchange down the open file like this:

 Hmm, in move 27 I was thinking to maintain the pressure by keeping my major pieces. That's why I didn't do the Rxf4 exchange, and opt to moving the rook to e2 instead. My aim is maintaining the material advantage while also keeping control of the open file (the e-file). That mindset made me overlook the Rxf4 exchange. I think my hesitation to exchange in move 27 resulted in a much worse exchange in move 28. Thank you, mdxplay4!

bloodboy wrote:


42.pawn gets queen (i dunno how to write that)..... Rxc4

Discovered check and you win the pawn/queen and a pawn too. You should win after that. Its ok you just missed a move. :)

 Ah, yes, but as loomis said, when the pawn promotes it also check my King. My King was in a bad position, unfortunately...


Loomis wrote:

5. ... Bb4? The bishop doesn't really accomplish anything on this square except to allow your opponent to build up his pawns in the center.


14. ... f5 allows 15. Nxf5 (or Bxf5)


21. ... Qxf5 and you say you doubt this move. What is to doubt here? You capture his piece without losing significant material yourself.


24. ... b6. This is a mistake. You are losing your f7 pawn and restricting your bishop.


30. ... Rh4 doesn't seem right. Rooks need long lines to operate on, your rook is very restricted here and doesn't factor much in the rest of the game.

Hmm, I see... my moves were not sharp enough.


5. ... Bb4, In the next moves, I realized that I make a bad move in Bb4. 

21. ... Qxf5, I doubt the decision I make to do the exchange at that time. Because my reason behind the exchange is to simplify the game and minimize the danger to my bad positioned King.

 24. ... b6, I intended to exchange the pawn, actually. And then my bishop gets into good position. The exchange, however, never happened... A feeble trial, I guess. I should have thought something better that time.

 Thank you, loomis. Nice suggestions...


 Hmm, so I should try not to give materials unnecessarily... Thanks, Matalino.

black is clearly winning here. it needed many more wrong moves to lose it. no need to add comments on the game proper. good games for both sides.
greyfox wrote: black is clearly winning here. it needed many more wrong moves to lose it. no need to add comments on the game proper. good games for both sides.

 hmm, you think so? but my opponent will promote his pawn in the next move. Am I still got a fair chance to win?

Bla wrote: greyfox wrote: black is clearly winning here. it needed many more wrong moves to lose it. no need to add comments on the game proper. good games for both sides.

 hmm, you think so? but my opponent will promote his pawn in the next move. Am I still got a fair chance to win?

 ow sorry for not clearing what i posted. what i want to say is white is clearly a piece ahead from 21. ... Qxf5 and it needed many more moves before losing it. black should have win this if he played precisely. but dont despair. me myself and every player i believe does lose games because of inaccurate play.



Oh, I see, so white is a piece behind starting from 21st move. Okay... Thanks...