
Please shoot at this game


I play black (1626), my friend vcds (1467) plays white.

The game ends in a draw. There a no real big blunders, but definitly are better moves to be found. Please shoot at this game. Thank you Smile

Wizzkey wrote:

I'm play white (1626), my friend vcds (1467) plays black.

The game ends in a draw. There a no real big blunders, but definitly are better moves to be found. Please shoot at this game. Thank you


I think your biggest mistake was 33... Qh7. There was no reason for that move (except you wanted to trade queens... but that wasn't the way). You could just have Bxd3 and start clearing the path for your pawns. There was no real danger.

ictus wrote: I think your biggest mistake was 33... Qh7. There was no reason for that move (except you wanted to trade queens... but that wasn't the way). You could just have Bxd3 and start clearing the path for your pawns. There was no real danger.

 34. Qh8+ is checkmate, i had to move my Q

I just felt like I made little mistakes, but I got myself into a crippled situation anyway.

9 Nc3.  you weren't in danger.  Hold your ground.

31 Rx7+ you gave away a rook that was strategically placed.

38 Qc7  Why trade your queen.  Did you expect to win with a bishop and some pawns.  This is where the draw happened.

Also, your opening gave away the majority of the center of the board giving your opponent more control.  I was suprised by the high amount of trading in the game

Let me know what you think.


nbrasby wrote:

9 Nc3.  you weren't in danger.  Hold your ground.

31 Rx7+ you gave away a rook that was strategically placed.

38 Qc7  Why trade your queen.  Did you expect to win with a bishop and some pawns.  This is where the draw happened.

Also, your opening gave away the majority of the center of the board giving your opponent more control.  I was suprised by the high amount of trading in the game

Let me know what you think.


Thx, but I actually play black, vcds plays white. Made a mistake in my openingpost. Sry Wink

Ok, then, what about 30. Qxd6? (then he'd 31. Qxf7, and you Kh8), and I think that's the end of his ofensive! (then you could move Rf8... and you'd force a rock trade). What do you think?

i believe you castled to early that's what made you consider 6 Be7(retreating & moving the B twice in the opening), with 7 Nd5 he could've messed up your castled K-side pawn structure.

27...Bc2, i don't see anything better.

28...Re7, White has the same threats to f7 & d6 with ...Rf8.

at move 37 White looks completely winning, maybe 37 Qd2+ to protect d3, followed by getting the WK to protect d3 & trading Qs or winning Black's light-squared B.

at move 52 g4+ seems stronger White should still have a won endgame with the connected passed-pawns!

ictus wrote: Ok, then, what about 30. Qxd6? (then he'd 31. Qxf7, and you Kh8), and I think that's the end of his ofensive! (then you could move Rf8... and you'd force a rock trade). What do you think?

32 Rf6! Qf8(forced) 33 Qxf8 Rxf8 34 Rxf8 White wins R 4 B, but it may be Black's best course.

I like 5. ... d5. You have a lead in development (as a result of your opponent's apparent fear of bishops), you should be looking to open the position with pawn exchanges. If 6. Bg5 d4 closes the position, but with a big advantage in space, or you can play 6. ... dxe4 to go for an open position.

I agree with Loomis 5. ...d5 look good.


Just some other thoughts that I have not looked very deeply into but at first glance seem okay. Enjoy. 


Also, 9. ...Qe7 followed by 10. ... Rd8

With intentions to push the d pawn. Also, puths the rook in line with the Queen. It doesn't look as though white can respond to this... wasted tempo @ moves 8 and 9.


--12. ...c6 seems better to me. Take back with the Queen to threaten the b pawn. And this supports the advance of the d pawn.

--12. ...Re8. White is not castled. Can push the d pawn when you're ready and if white takes, move bishop to attack the Queen and discoverd check by your rook. If knight takes bishop, take back with the c pawn and now you have an open file to work with.

At this point I think you should be aiming to open the game up!


14. ...Bxc3 not good at all. Gives white and open file to work with which you're forced to compensate for later with b6.


Might have tried 16. ...Qd7? Puts the rooks together and after he takes f6, you will have an open file to wrkd with. If he doesn't take, sets up a sac at h3 at some point. Not saying this is best, very dangerous in fact, but that knight needs to move or leave the board.


22. ...Nxh5 looks really bad. After 22. Bg3 things aren'r great, but under control. How about Kh8 and get the rooks involved. At a quick glance, white doesn't have a solid continuation after that and I would take the opportunity to get the rooks at f8 and g8. After that, the f pawn could be pushed when the knight goes to h7.


25. ...Bxa4?? White is bringing pieces to the king side and you went pawn hunting. What's more you opened the a file for him, allowing the trade of the only white piece NOT currently involved in the attack to even the pawn count again and trade for the only piece OTHER than your Queen currently anywhere near your king.


At move 31 white missed:



Check the move list.

