
puzzles don’t help you very much actually…

because when you do a puzzle, you KNOW there is some kind of tactic or checkmate in the given position. But when you’re in a game, you don’t know when those tactics or checkmates will appear. so, puzzles actually don’t help you. I rest my case.
HeSacrificedTheRook2 wrote:
because when you do a puzzle, you KNOW there is some kind of tactic or checkmate in the given position. But when you’re in a game, you don’t know when those tactics or checkmates will appear. so, puzzles actually don’t help you. I rest my case.

There are some kinds of tactical patterns that if you've never seen them before you're unlikely to find them over the board unless you are very good at calculation. Doing puzzles can help with that calculation ability, familiarize yourself with various tactical patterns so you can recognize when they are in or latent in a position, and potential decrease the time spent finding tactics overall.

Add to that, many games are won/lost on tactical ideas. It's better to familiarize yourself with as many as you can and exercise calculation than it is to not do it happy.png


I totally agree. Puzzles are only a part of chess improvement.


So my almost 3600 in puzzles are just waste of time? 😢


Puzzles help with calculation and tactical intuition. It's absolutely necessary.

HeSacrificedTheRook2 wrote:
because when you do a puzzle, you KNOW there is some kind of tactic or checkmate in the given position. But when you’re in a game, you don’t know when those tactics or checkmates will appear. so, puzzles actually don’t help you. I rest my case.

You are so wrong, it is laughable.

ppandachess wrote:

I totally agree. Puzzles are only a part of chess improvement.

No, you only PARTIALLY agree.