
Rating increase


Please chess . Com increase my rating by analysing my game 

xvjjkj wrote:

Please chess . Com increase my rating by analysing my game

That's not how ratings work.

They are not based on the analysis of your games. They are strictly based on whether you win lose or draw against your opponents.


A rating increase typically refers to an upgrade in a company’s credit rating or a product’s rating by a recognized agency. This improvement signals enhanced financial stability, operational efficiency, or consumer satisfaction, often leading to lower borrowing costs and increased investor confidence. For businesses, a higher credit rating can facilitate access to capital and better terms from lenders. In consumer products, improved ratings can boost sales and brand reputation, as they reflect positive reviews and customer experiences, ultimately attracting more buyers.


Just because you played a brilliant or something doesn't mean you won the game.

Earn rating the real way by winning or drawing against someone higher than you.