
Read This Before You Post

ok i will take that as challenge

lets play



No, TonyGas has figured a way to bend time in chess, having a triple-check occur while vacationing on the other side of the word in Hawaii.  It's a little hard to believe, but post mortem TonyGas's FIDE rating is expected to peak at over 3000.

He also has adopted Petrosian's style of grinding his opponent's to defeat, except instead of using chess pieces he tears them apart mentally.

No words come close to describing the power of TonyGas.  He might steal my IQ points in the coming days after reading this post.


 There are two fundamental problems in this game.

1. 3 Queens and 7 Pawns problem

2. 3 simultaneous checks problem - Queen, Night, Pawn


Even though there are not any problems like these, 

there is no way to win this game for White.

This is the game to mate in one for Black.

A. 1.Kg1  Nd1#(Nh3#) -> mate by b6 Bishop.

B. 1.Kg1  Rd1#

C. 1.Kg1  Qd1# 


If only we change some of the chess rules as stated below, it may be possible to mate in 3.

1. Any pawn can go forward and backward.

2. If a pawn reach 1st rank or 8th rank, the pawn can promote.

3. Black must help White win.

4. The Black Queen can't get the White Queen.


1. Kg1  c1=Q+  2. bxc1=Q  Be4  3. Qc8#



Thanks for the guide.
sangyk, if the rules chage as you sat, after Qc8+, black can play f8=Q,R,B,or N

i agree with everything he said excpet one thing

i find chess engines incredibly helpful (especially Fritz) and submitting it here before using Fritz would not be right for me. I would do it the other way round to see if the people noticed what the chess engine did... 

White can achieve a helpmate in seven.
Good advice!!!

I don't see the point of posting games that the person who is asking for help can't be bothered to annotate themselves first, why should I or anyone else spend more than the two minutes the person posting it has spent?

Sorry, but if I post any games here I spend an hour annotating them at the very least, since the whole point of posting is the learn something.



 thanks but I already know that


= ) 



gens, I'm new at chess I would like to get to know you all and learn as much as possible;  great chess analysis by the way. ...:).


i think the extra queen came from TonyGas's chess world Laughing. very unreal
Kingskiller wrote: HymnofAshes wrote:

I see three queens and seven pawns....

Where did the extra queen come from? France?

And how there can be 3 checks in one time? TonyGas, this position is unreal.



thanks I'll take note



i agree this way we can all learn


There are seven pawns with 3 reynas which means that two pawns arrived in the eighth row and 10 would then pawns, this is what is not consistent in this position

tonygas i think you can find the answer in MH ......Tongue outTongue outTongue outTongue out
greyfox wrote: i want to share my games here and in chessmaniac but i donty know how. anyone wants to help me? just send me a private message.

learn to be resourceful........SealedSealedSealedSealedSealed

TonyGas wrote:

please help me solve this tricky little poser. really, i want mate in three but will settle for four moves. i am playing white. thank you


Ask for a draw.

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