he was the greatest physicist of all time...but as a chess player he was good but not the best!!! but i wonder if he studied & played it seriously then some of his games would have been immortal!!
Was Albert Einstein a very good Chess player?
It seems he thought you could be a serious chess player or something else, but not both. There is probably a great deal of truth in this.
I think Simen Agdestein would disagree
Typical moves that even I have made in games before, and look at my current rating... For instance how he took the pawn with his knight because he had the defending pawn pinned, this is a classic move. If anyone goes up against an opponent at this strength (obviously his opponent was not very skilled to say the least) they are going to make good moves.. I used to play my sisters boyfriend everyday and I'd destroy him just like this.
Skill level is relative. Einstein is still a genius and one of my idols, along with James Clerk Maxwell, Sir Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and Galileo and I would still love to have a sit down with any of these people and have a good stimulating game.
He could of been a good chessplayer, but chose to focus on other things, and did not come up as a very good chess player. In modern chess, he would not be very strong, and I would hardly see anything above 1800-1900.
Hitler would have lost his ass and all the fixtures. Dumber than a bucket of shrimp he was! Just like all politicians! If poiliticians had brains they'd be arrested for smuggling poop. -U. Herditt Fromme'
Einstein had a bit of a problem following the move order of a game, while Heisenberg was quite unsure about the position of the pieces. Schroedinger did and didn't resign before every move so nobody ever played with him.
Einstein was definitely more than 1500. Although those tactics aren't the hardest to find, his consistency in finding them definitely suggests that he is a strong player. I'm a 1500 player, I'll beat Oppenheimer, but I probably won't execute it as accurately as Einstein. If I had to take a wild guess at Einstein's level, it will be 1900
the 1933 game was very instructive