
What qualifies as a "brilliant" move?


Is it a move that Stockfish didn't manage to find? I'm not sure, because's analysis board rated 12. Re1 in this game as brilliant, improving the evaluation from -2.11 to -0.58, but it sure didn't look like a stunning move to me.


jtang2018 wrote:

Is it a move that Stockfish didn't manage to find? I'm not sure, because's analysis board rated 12. Re1 in this game as brilliant, improving the evaluation from -2.11 to -0.58, but it sure didn't look like a stunning move to me.


Others have asked the definition of brilliant. I think it is a move where the computer evaluation changes suddenly in a positive direction as the computer depth increases.

It must have been pretty good. It caused you to hang your queen only one move later.

jtang2018 wrote:

Is it a move that Stockfish didn't manage to find? I'm not sure, because's analysis board rated 12. Re1 in this game as brilliant, improving the evaluation from -2.11 to -0.58, but it sure didn't look like a stunning move to me.



Brilliant moves outranks best moves.


Best moves are the moves found and assessed as best by the engine (whether you played it or not)


Hence brilliant moves are only made by the human player.


The engine assesses a move to be brilliant only after it is played (can never be proposed as mentioned above).


The engine was capable to assess a move to be brilliant in comparison to its best move when it is played by finding the outcome to be better than the engine proposed (its best move).


Hence a brilliant move is one that is proven to be best only if the engine had gone into a depth that is further than the depth it traverses, but it does not. This is why it can only figure it out after it is played by the human player.


I made what I thought was a simple king move turned out to be brilliant, can anyone explain why? (Ignore ratings please)

Tobyb23 wrote:

I made what I thought was a simple king move turned out to be brilliant, can anyone explain why? (Ignore ratings please)

I don't see it flagging any moves as brilliant here. Which move is supposed to be flagged brilliant?

How is white and how is black?

From what I have seen from other posts about it, I will summarize what I learned and heard. 

Brilliant moves are moves that the engine did not see as a "best move", but if you play it the engine will realize that the move is equal to/better than the moves they suggested

notmtwain wrote:
jtang2018 wrote:

Is it a move that Stockfish didn't manage to find? I'm not sure, because's analysis board rated 12. Re1 in this game as brilliant, improving the evaluation from -2.11 to -0.58, but it sure didn't look like a stunning move to me.


Others have asked the definition of brilliant. I think it is a move where the computer evaluation changes suddenly in a positive direction as the computer depth increases.

It must have been pretty good. It caused you to hang your queen only one move later.



Miche24 wrote:

I just made my first brilliant move against a 1400 bot. I have been trying to find this move for a while and finally got it! But i just dont quite understand the brilliant of it...


You're going to have to post what you think is brilliant. The slow-playing position is torture to look at.


Some may say: "Brilliant move is overlooked by engine, tricky to find and, well brilliant." (Not quoting, but saying what most people say.)


Simple opposition.


Well, stunning but the engine somehow overlooked it. Remember that e engine is not a human, so it can't learn like us.


Isn't that move also the same move picked by the engine (green arrow), meaning it's only a best move? Not a brilliant?


it does that






I need a GM here now to explain this


And @JackRoach, yes it is a brilliant move, confirming the "King's Opposition"


I made a brilliant move once the evaluation went from -7 to +3.5 then I missed the whole idea and it went back to -7


Alekhine's gun?


This move set up a checkmate next turn (Qf7#), but still, how is this brilliant? how does the engine fail to think that moving my bishop out of the way is a good move?


I dunno; It was the only move that kept the bishop safe.