Yes. The same game moves are estimated differently because this rating estimate takes into account your own rating as well as the opponent rating. has already commented how this rating estimate is not too great yet. It is a work in progress, but we are far from the point where computers (game report) can accurately predict chess rating from an individual game. If you want to see a human titled player predict ratings based on a single game, then check out IM Levy Rozman (GothamChess on YouTube) with his GTE (Guess The Elo) series
I as a 700 on rapid have wondered how people get such a high estimated rating. I dug a little deeper and figured out its not our play that is bad. The elo guesser is partly based on your opponents rating. I played a e4 e5 nf3 nc6 game with martin and got a average rating of 1300. when I played the same moves against the magnus bot I got a average rating of 2600.